ChatGPT AI Investigates The Chemical Attack At Trump’s Tucson Rally & Says It’s A Dry-Run For Bigger Future Attack

Listen to this ChatGPT AI summary of the democrat’s covert chemical attack against President Trump and his supporters, in which it says that this chemical attack was used as a dry-run to prepare for a future attack! We think that ChatGPT is a LOT closer to the truth than the FBI or Secret Service is at this point, I assure you!

ChatGPT says that the chemical attack at President Trump’s Tucson Rally was designed as a dry-run or test to prepare for a future, more devastating attack against President Trump and his supporters. It also says that the chemicals that may have been used in the attack are not chemicals that an average citizen can go purchase, which suggests that a more high-powered person would be needed to pull it off.

ChatGPT is talking about the Deep State democrats and RINOS.

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