Mentally-Challenged Wisconsin State Rep Loser Brett Hulsey Plans on Handing out KKK Hoods to Republicans – Doesn’t Know Long KKK History of Democrat Party
A 82 year old black grandmother called in to C-SPAN to let people know why she just voted “straight Republican”, or in other words voted across the board for Republicans instead of Democrats.
Members of the Black Community, who are not racist brainwashed sheep, have started to see Obama and the Democrats for what they are. The new wannabe slave drivers. Most Democrats don’t want to put black people in chains anymore, as they often did in the past. Now the Democrats want to keep black people dependent on government handouts, in exchange for their ongoing blind support for the Democrat party.
I can remember the Democrat party took God out of the platform and they voted three times to put it back in, but three times it lost… For that reason there’s no way I can say I’m a Christian and stay in the Democrat Party.
For some black people, it doesn’t matter that Democrats are the party that started the KKK, and fought the Civil War to keep black people in the chains of slavery. Other black people don’t care that the Democrat party is void of any connection to Christianity, or that unemployment rate in black communities has skyrocketed under the Democrats.
A shocking stat that many black people probably don’t realize is that, in many areas, more black babies are murdered by abortion than are actually delivered. That is shocking!
Democrat politicians have very successfully brainwashed many black people into transposing the worst aspects of the Democrat party onto the Republicans, without question and without wanting to find out the truth.
Facing by what all measures appears to be a humiliating beat down at the ballot box, the Democratic Party has ramped up its appeals to its base, focusing a great deal of its energy on getting out the African American vote. But many in the black community are pushing back against the party that so desperately needs them to save their hides next week.
Recently on C-SPAN, a woman describing herself as a “black senior-citizen grandmother” called in to let the nation know why she just voted “straight Republican,” including miserable economic conditions in the black community, the Democratic Party’s advocacy of abortion, and its mishandling of welfare:
I am an 82-year-old black senior citizen grandmother, and I voted straight Republican because I have noticed in the years what the Democrat Party has done to my people. Unemployment is higher in the black community that it is … double with unemployment than it is anywhere else.
There’s no way I could continue to say I’m a Christian and stay with the Democrat Party. They advocate the killing of babies and taking from the doers and giving to the ones sitting doing nothing. And I’m not talking about the people that need help, because with so many getting help that doesn’t need help, it prevents the people that really need help from getting it.
The grandmother, from Texas, also blasted Democratic Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis for “standing 14 hours at the podium for the killing of babies.” The party’s focus on abortion she linked with its elimination of God from the platform:
I can remember the Democrat party took God out of the platform and they voted three times to put it back in, but three times it lost… For that reason there’s no way I can say I’m a Christian and stay in the Democrat Party.
Before ending the call, she also blasted the “foolishness” of labeling all criticism of Barack Obama as racist:
We need to stop that foolishness. This man is destroying this country and it’s what he intended to do. He said he would transform America and that’s what he’s doing.
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