Occupy Idiots Protest Having to Pay Student Loan Debt

The socialist ‘Occupy’ idiots are now protesting the fact that they have to pay off their student loans, at the headquarters of Sallie Mae, saying that they should not be forced to pay off their education loans.

“What do we want? NO DEBT! When do we want it? NOW!”
“Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Student Debt Has Got To Go!”

Why these brain-dead ‘Occupy’ idiots think that anyone owes them anything is beyond me.

I took out large personal student loans, through Sallie Mae, when I went through college, bu I didn’t cry and think that someone else should pay my bills, like these jackasses are doing.

I paid off my loans, even though my interest rate was far higher than it is now.

The bottom line is – If you took out a student loan, you knew what you were getting into when you signed on the dotted line. You are not entitled to a free college education, and you should stop crying like little babies, and pay your bills.

The Occupy idiots need to stop acting like everyone owes …

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Obama Has Driven U.S. Off Financial Cliff – Wasting $ Trillions of Taxpayer Money

Obama likes attacking Mitt Romney for his time at Bain Capital – a company that has saved or created far more jobs than the Obama administration – yet Obama’s record in the financial field is the worst of anyone we have ever seen! Obama has wasted $ Trillions of taxpayer money to pay off his friends and supporters, and to help buy the next election.

Lets look at just a few of Obama’s Financial Failures.

  • Obama gave Raser Technologies $33 million taxpayer-funded grant while the company still owes $1.5 million in back taxes
  • Obama gave ECOtality – a failing company – $126.2 million in taxpayer money – Now tells Obama administration “We may not achieve or sustain profitability on a quarterly or annual basis in the future.”
  • Obama gave Nevada Geothermal Power a $98.5 million taxpayer loan guarantee – Now reports ‘significant doubt about the company’s ability to continue”
  • Obama gave First Solar $3 billion in loan guarantees – Company has racked up $401 million in restructuring costs, and has fired 30 percent of its workforce.
  • Obama gave Abound Solar,

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Recall-Bound New Jersey Democrat Mayor Felix Roque & Son Arrested For Website Hacking Conspiracy

Recall-Bound New Jersey Democrat Mayor Felix Roque & Son Arrested For Website Hacking Conspiracy

Recall-Bound New Jersey Democrat Mayor Felix Roque & Son Arrested For Website Hacking Conspiracy

More typical Democrat thuggery that we see all the time from the Obama administration, unions, and from many people on the left, and the brain-dead Obama-swooning media will not tell you about.

The recall-bound mayor of West New York, N.J., Felix Roque, and his son Joseph Roque have been arrested for hacking into the email and website of Recallroque.com, a website that is pushing for a recall of the obviously corrupt criminal mayor.

Felix Roque and his son actually hacked into the account where the website is hosted, and cancelled the domain registration for the website, to try and bring the site down permanently, and then started trying to intimidate the people who ran the site, and anyone else associated with the website.

These Democrat criminals will say and do anything to get in power and stay there for as long as humanly possible.

A New Jersey mayor and his son were arrested Thursday by the FBI for allegedly hacking into an email account and

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Democrat War on Women – Democrats Pay Male Staffers 35% More Than Female Counterparts

Democrat War on Women - Democrats Pay Male Staffers 35% More Than Female Counterparts

Democrat War on Women - Democrats Pay Male Staffers 35% More Than Female Counterparts

The secret Democrat War on Women is in full swing, with male Democrat Senate Staffers making over $20K or 35% more than the females.

This is priceless! At the same time the ultra-corrupt Democrats try and push their “Republican War on Women” lie and others on the American People, we learn that Senate Democrats pay their women staffers far less than they pay their male counterparts!

In Washington, Patty Murray (D.Wash.) is the worst offender, paying her female staff members on average $21,000 or 35.2 percent less than the male staffers she employs.

The Hilariously Hypocritical Democrats have the funniest way of falsely accusing Republicans of doing the same crap that they are currently guilty of doing themselves.

1) Obama attacks Romney For Care of Dog – Obama ate his dogs while living in Indonesia with his stepfather.
2) Obama attacks Mitt Romney for allegedly bullying another boy 40-50 years ago while in high school – Obama tormented and assaulted a little girl named Coretta,

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Running Scared: Obama Plans To Strip Delegates From Arkansas Democrat Challenger

The Democrat Culture of Corruption is starting to understand how much trouble their party is in the next election, and they are running scared, and freaking out!

Running Scared: Obama Tries Stripping Delegates From Arkansas Democrat Challenger

Running Scared: Obama Tries Stripping Delegates From Arkansas Democrat Challenger

Democrat national party officials are sweating bullets over the upcoming election, and not just from their conservative opponents. The Democrats have started attacking members of their own party to try and ensure that Obama is not challenged, and they have moved to try and strip delegates from Obama’s Arkansas opponent.

John Wolfe Jr. is only behind Obama by 7 points in Arkansas, so the Obama administration, and Democrat national party officials, are looking into ways of taking away his delegates, by claiming that Mr. Wolfe broke the rules, which he did not.

We look forward to lawsuits coming from fellow Democrats against the Obama administration for their abuse of the system and for disenfranchising voters with their lies and scams.

After a poll released this week showed President Barack Obama only beating his Democratic primary opponent John Wolfe Jr. by seven points, 45

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Corrupt HHS Gives Obama’s Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant

Ultra Corrupt HHS Gives Obama's Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant - Claims White House not involved.. Yea, Right!!

Ultra Corrupt HHS Gives Obama's Best Friend & Golf Buddy $5.9 Million Grant - Claims White House not involved.. Yea, Right!!

Eric Whitaker, one of President Obama’s closest friends, who plays golf and basketball with Mr. Obama, and also takes vacations with the Obamas, has been given a $5.9 million grant by the ultra-corrupt Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is headed up by the equally Corrupt HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

The idiots at the HHS say that the White House was not “in any way” involved in the decision to hand over close to $6 Billion of taxpayer money, but we very seriously doubt that unbelievable claim, which will most likely turn out to be just another one of the thousands of typical Obama lies told to the American People by the Obama administration.

The people of the United States MUST to start seeing the Obama administration and their cronies for what they are – A strong-handed, hypocritical, corrupt administration, whose crime and corruption has migrated through every level and office held by Democrats in our government. …

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Democrats Run CA Economy Into Ground – Deficit Now $16B – Up $7B Since January!

Democrats Run CA Economy Into Ground - Deficit Now $16B - Up $7B Since January!

Democrats Run CA Economy Into Ground - Deficit Now $16B - Up $7B Since January!

California’s budget deficit is now $16 Billion, which has gone up considerably from the $7 Billion deficit that CA posted only back in January. No wonder why businesses and individuals are leaving California at a record breaking pace!
California is a complete joke, from top to bottom, and Jerry Brown is a clown.

Brain-dead liberal know-nothings run around telling their constituents and the liberal media that Republicans are to blame for the problems in CA, just as Obama does everywhere else in the nation, but we all know that the real problem is Democrats who push the Entitlement Culture, which will spell the end of the CA Elitist Attitude and the Obama Presidency.

Democrats get people hooked on getting free stuff from the government, and have no problem driving California, and any other state’s economy further into the abyss, only to further their own political careers.

The state budget shortfall in California has increased dramatically in the last six months, forcing state officials to assemble

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Obama’s Fugitive Drunkard Uncle Still in US Illegally – Now Legally Eligible For Drivers License

Obama's Fugitive Drunk Illegal Immigrant Uncle & Obama's illegal immigrant aunt are still in the country illegally.

Obama's Fugitive Drunk Illegal Immigrant Uncle & Obama's illegal immigrant aunt are still in the country illegally.

A judge had ordered Obama’s uncle deported back in 1992, but ever since then, Obama’s uncle has been a fugitive, and living in the United States against the will of our government. So how is an illegal immigrant fugitive criminal drunkard given the right to legally obtain a US drivers license?

We also are reminded of Obama’s Aunt Zeituni, who freely admits that she is in the country illegally. (probably because she knows Obama won’t allow her, or any other illegal immigrant for that matter, to be deported) Instead of obeying the law, Obama’s Aunt Zeituni filed a bogus request for asylum, which was denied, yet she stays.

I smell something rotten, and it has to be the Obama administration, who most likely pulled strings to prevent his criminal fugitive drunk illegal immigrant uncle, and his criminal illegal immigrant aunt from being deported.

President Obama’s deportation-dodging uncle can legally walk into a Registry of Motor Vehicles office tomorrow and walk out with a

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