Reid Kills GOP FEMA Disaster Funding Bill, To Write One Of His Own
Harry Reid killed a new GOP FEMA Disaster Funding Bill that would have kept the U.S. Disaster Relief programs running through Nov. 18th.
Instead, Harry Reid said they would have a vote on Monday, on a new bill he wrote – a bill that puts us farther into debt by changing the way the bill is funded. Mr. Reid will surely expect everyone to jump aboard to pass his bill, but most real conservative Republicans will not vote for the bill that puts us into deeper debt, if there is another way to do the same thing that wont add to the debt.
Our prediction: After Harry Reid’s bill is voted down by the House, Mr. Reid will then claim that the Republicans rejected his bill because of political reasons, when he just did the exact same thing himself. Typical Democrat Hypocrisy.
…Calling for a weekend to “cool off,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid set up a Monday vote on replenishing the almost-empty federal disaster relief accounts as all sides race to beat a deadline to keep money money flowing
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