Inept, Gaffe Master, Joe Biden Calls Tea Party Patriots “Terrorists”!!

Up until a few weeks ago, I always thought that Joe Biden was a pretty honest Democrat in a sea of corrupt, un-trustworthy, socialist, jackasses, who want nothing less than to run our nation and it’s economy straight into the ground. But after Biden’s last “terrorist” remark, aimed at Tea Party Patriots, I now put Biden in the same unhinged, partisan jackass column as the rest of the Democrat Culture of Corruption.

Jackass Biden said that the Tea Party Republicans “have acted like terrorists”, when, if ANYONE has acted like a terrorist, it is Obama and the Democrats. Democrats caused every bit of the problems we are currently facing, and actually WANT our nation’s economy to crumble, and they have done everything in their power to make it happen.

Anyone who lies over and over to the American People, throws the Trillions of our dollars down the toilet, socializes large portions of the U.S. economy, and crashes the rest in a ball of flames, and then wants to spend more of our hard-earned money, with no idea how to fix …

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Obama Reponsible For 2 Largest Debt Ceiling Increases In U.S. History

I didn’t realize that before Obama got shoved into office, the largest debt increase was done by President Bush on March 27, 2003, and Bush only raised the debt ceiling by $984 billion.

The two largest debt ceiling increases have come from the Obama administration, in back-to-back years. Obama’s debt ceiling increase last year was the largest in the history of our country, and this new increase beats his old record by around $500 Billion.

So in two years, Obama has raised our debt ceiling $4.2 Trillion!!!!??? It makes sense, now that have to start paying for Obama’s out-of-control over-spending, which caused our financial mess in the first place.

Lets all work hard to get this out of control socialist idiot out of office as soon as possible!!!

The bill to increase the federal debt limit that has been put before Congress today would increase that limit by up to $2.4 trillion, which would be the largest increase in the debt limit in U.S. history by a margin of half a trillion dollars, according to records published by the Government

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Washington D.C. Among Top Alcohol, Marijuana, And Cocaine Abusers

We could have told you this for free, but a new study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has found that adults who live in Washington DC more likely to be alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine abusers, and that 11.3 percent of residents, age 12 and up, have a dependence to alcohol and drugs.

Obama has even admitted smoking pot and snorting cocaine. No wonder why we are having the problems we have seen lately in Washington. They are all high as a kite on one thing or another.

A new report says that adults in Washington D.C. abuse alcohol more than anyone else in the country.

According to a new study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 8.1 percent of adults age 26 or older in D.C. are alcohol dependent. Looking at a long-term sampling, alcohol abuse rate is on the rise for the District, according to the survey.

The Washington Examiner first reported the story, noting that alcohol abuse has been a chronic issue in the District, affecting residents from the

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Debt Ceiling Plans: Republicans 3, Democrats 0

The House of Representatives has passed their second of three debt ceiling / debt reduction bills, while Obama and the Democrats sit on the sidelines, with no plan of their own, criticizing Republicans for the hard work that they have had to undertake, with no help from the so-called Democrat “leadership” at all.

I’m convinced that Democrats want our country to go into default on our debt because that makes it much easier for Obama and the Democrats to impose their socialistic beliefs on us. Harry Reid has even said that the House plan is “Dead on Arrival” without even seeing the plan, and with no ideas of their own, other than to tax the crap out of U.S. Citizens.

With the U.S. moving perilously closer to defaulting on its loans, the House passed an increase in the federal debt limit as part of Speaker John Boehner’s third version of a deficit-reduction bill, which includes a balanced budget amendment — a pivotal provision for securing the support of hard-line Republicans.

The bill passed in a 218-210 vote, with all House

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Just The Beginning: Obamacare Taxes Forces Move of 1400 Jobs To China

Thanks to the taxes that Obamacare places on medical devices, Boston Scientific Corp. has decided to lay off close to 1500 people here in the United States, and move those jobs to China, where they will not be subjected to the over-reaching and overbearing regulations placed on them by the Obama administration.

Many people, including us, said long ago that Obamacare will cause issues like this to start happening at a much more frequent pace, and now we see it starting to come true, as most of our other predictions have as well.. and this is just the beginning!

Boston Scientific Corp. said yesterday that it plans to eliminate 1,200 to 1,400 jobs worldwide during the next 2 1/2 years to free money for new investments, the Natick medical device maker’s second major round of cuts since last year.

The company would not say how many jobs will be lost in Massachusetts, where fewer than 2,000 of its 25,000 employees are based. In February 2010, Boston Scientific said it would pare 1,300 jobs worldwide, but similarly did not say where.

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Why Did The Obama Administration Pick Aug 2 For Deadline?

Why did Obama pick August 2nd for the deadline for raising the debt ceiling? Many people have asked why that date, and now we know the reason why Aug 2nd, of all dates, was picked.

The reason is because Obama is holding a huge 50th birthday bash and fundraiser the very next day (Aug 3rd), and Obama wanted to be able to use his administration’s forced overspending and jacked-up tax rates as a draw for some big donations from the loonies on the left.

This is the same reason why Obama has said that he will veto any short-term fix. They know that the Democrats are looking very bad due to their tax and overspend policies, which has tanked our economy, and Obama doesn’t want to have to deal with it again before the next election.

Obama knows that he and his party are nothing but obstructionists to the multiple ideas and plans that the Republicans have come up with, while Democrats have not put even one plan down on paper to be scrutinized. (Probably because the American People would …

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New NASA Data Further Dispels Global Warming Hoax

New satellite data from NASA is dispelling more of the “facts” used by Al Gore and others to try and prove that their global warming hoax was real.

“In short, the central premise of alarmist global warming theory is that carbon dioxide emissions should be directly and indirectly trapping a certain amount of heat in the earth’s atmosphere and preventing it from escaping into space. Real-world measurements, however, show far less heat is being trapped in the earth’s atmosphere than the alarmist computer models predict, and far more heat is escaping into space than the alarmist computer models predict.”

Al Gore and many others have made many millions of dollars by using phony global warming data to sell carbon credits, among many other schemes.

NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have

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