Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi Cashes In On Credit Card Regulations She Helped Craft

Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi and her husband are cashing in on credit card regulations she helped craft.

Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi and her husband are cashing in on credit card regulations she helped craft.

Not only has Ultra Corrupt Nancy Pelosi completely failed to “Drain The Swamp” of crime and corruption in the Democrat party, she has actually added her own crime and corruption slime into the growing Democrat cesspool of corruption in Washington.

Pelosi seems to have been involved in crafting credit-card regulations on one hand, and cashing in on those regulations with the other hand. Typical Democrat Crime.

Nancy Pelosi is one of the dirtiest members of our government, who should be removed from office, but the brain-dead liberals in San Francisco hell will never get rid of her. They must like the corruption and crime she brings to their state.

Here is our guess as to how Nancy Pelosi’s corruption will be explained away. (The same way these corrupt Democrats explain away all of their crime and corruption.) “We are completely ignorant of any wrongdoing, and any perceived problems were just a misunderstanding”

Indications from the Beltway media world are that 60 Minutes is preparing

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Obama Administration’s Ties With Corrupt MF Global and Others Raise Questions

Obama's MF Global Ties are Big Trouble for Re-election Campaign

Obama's MF Global Ties are Big Trouble for Re-election Campaign

More Obama administration Crony Capitalism and Corruption comes to light when looking into the corrupt and bankrupt financial company MF Global, which is currently being investigated by the FBI after finding out that besides the shockingly quick bankruptcy, hundreds of millions of dollars are also missing from their client’s accounts.

MF Global’s chairman and CEO, and former New Jersey governor, Jon Corzine, raised at least $500,000 for the Obama campaign, and in return, Obama campaigned for Corzine’s failed re-election efforts, and is said to be planning on offering Corzine a position in his administration, if re-elected.

That is a VERY big “IF” Obama!!

The bankrupt financial company MF Global, now under federal investigation for possibly misusing clients’ money, is one of the top sources of contributions for President Obama’s reelection, complicating the campaign’s effort to turn public anger at Wall Street into a political advantage.

Employees of the company have given $108,650 to Obama’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, according to federal records. MF Global’s chairman and chief executive,

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Obama Admin Wanted to Bailout Solyndra Friends Just Before Bankruptcy

The Obama administration considered a government bailout for their friends at Solyndra, just days before the failed solar company filed for bankruptcy, and well after the Obama administration knew the company was in an unrecoverable tailspin.

That’s the Obama administration in a nutshell. They knew that they had just wasted a half billion dollars of taxpayer money, and instead of cutting their losses, and coming clean, instead they want to throw more of our money down the toilet and to their friends and supporters.

Why the American People are continuing to put up with Obama’s complete corruption, and lack of any usable knowledge or experience to help us get out of the unbelievable economic disaster his party and administration have caused.

Days before a solar panel maker collapsed, the Obama administration considered a bailout that would have provided an infusion of cash and made the federal government a part-owner of the company.

Officials rejected the plan, which was recommended in August by the investment banking firm Lazard Ltd. Lazard was paid $1 million for analyzing options related to the faltering

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U.S. Food Stamp Use Explodes Under the “Food Stamp President” Obama

Under the nonexistent “leadership” of Obama, the number of people in the United States using Food Stamps rose by 8.1% over the past year, so now almost 15%, or 45.8 million Americans, use Food Stamps.

Under Obama's "Leadership" 15% of U.S. Now Uses Food Stamps

Under Obama's "Leadership" 15% of U.S. Now Uses Food Stamps

Obama’s job creation efforts have done nothing more than waste a lot of our money, while increasing the size of the government, and not really creating many real jobs. The jobs that Obama has created are temporary jobs. Many of which cost a few hundred thousand dollars per job they say they created.

So it’s no wonder why the use of Food Stamps has exploded for American Citizens under the foot of the Obama administration.

Nearly 15% of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in August, as the number of recipients hit 45.8 million.

Food stamp rolls have risen 8.1% in the past year, the Department of Agriculture reported, though the pace of growth has slowed from the depths of the recession.

Click image for full-size interactive map of food stamp use by state.

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Another Obama Green Energy Company Files for Bankruptcy After Receiving $43 Million Government Loan

Yet another one of the companies that Obama’s Energy Department gave $43 million in government-backed loans has filed for bankruptcy, sticking the American taxpayer with the bill.

Just as we have seen with Solyndra, Sun Power, and others, the Obama administration doesn’t worry about how much of our money is being wasted. They only care about how much money and support their wasteful and criminal spending will return to their re-election campaign.

The Obama administration’s inability to not waste money is becoming more than a problem, and we need to do everything in our power to stop the wasteful and most likely criminal abuse and waste of our tax dollars.

A Massachusetts company that received a $43 million Energy Department loan guarantee last year filed for bankruptcy Sunday, a step certain to fuel criticism of federal green energy financing in the wake of the solar company Solyndra’s collapse.

Beacon Power Corp., which develops energy storage systems, filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Delaware.

Beacon Power had received a federal loan guarantee to help build an energy

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Crony Corruption: Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Solyndra Inside Man at WH

Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Inside Man for Solyndra at WH

Obama Advisor David Prend was Solyndra Investor & Inside Man for Solyndra at WH

The Soylndra Solar Panel green-jobs scandal gets worse for the Obama administration everyday, and we are now learning of a new figure central to the Obama scandal which gave his friends and supporters over $500 billion of taxpayer money, just before going bankrupt.

David Prend is an Obama adviser, who pushed hard for the $500 million federal loan guarantee, even though Rockport Capital, Mr. Prend’s company, stood to greatly benefit from the loan because Rockport Capital was an investor and partial owner of Solyndra.

These “Green Jobs Scandals” go all the way to the top of the Obama administration, and they are currently doing their best to mitigate the damages by covering up their roles in the scandals. We will probably never see the evidence showing how up the ladder high these scandals go, but we all know it stops on Obama’s doorstep.

“I thought the White House might want to take advantage of this event to highlight a highly successful public/private partnership.”

— Obama adviser

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Unhinged, Vile, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To “Die On The Floor”

Unhinged, Nasty, Vile, Skank, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor

Unhinged, Nasty, Vile, Skank, Nancy Pelosi: Republicans Want Women To Die On The Floor

Intellectually-Challenged Nancy Pelosi has tried using completely false scare tactics, so often used by the Democrats, to try and claim that a bill which is intended to prevent U.S. Tax Dollars from being spent on Obamacare abortions is passed, would mean that healthcare companies would allow women to “die on the floor”.

Go take your medications Nancy. They seem to be wearing off.

“Under this bill, when the Republicans vote for this bill today, they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor, and healthcare providers do not have to intervene, if this bill is passed. It’s just appalling”

Watch this video of Nasty Pelosi trying to explain how Republicans want women to “die on the floor”.

Nancy Pelosi is an unhinged, vile, lying SKANK!!
If people want to get abortions under Obamacare, then they an either pay for it themselves, or Nancy Pelosi can pay for it, but I will not give one cent to pay for abortions.

President Obama’s press

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Chicagoland Corruption: Union Leaders Scam $500,000.00 Pensions

'Insane' even by Illinois standards? Union official to get $500,000 in pensions

'Insane' even by Illinois standards? Union official to get $500,000 in pensions

More Typical Chicagoland Democrat Corruption Running Rampant in Chicago!

How is it that a labor leader gets hooked up with two pensions worth about $500,000 a year, in a city which is drowning in a sea of overblown pensions, and has the worst credit rating of any state?
The answer is simple. These jackasses are Democrat union members, in the most corrupt city in the United States, and supported by the most corrupt president in our nation’s history, who is also a byproduct of the Chicagoland corruption and crime.

The brain-dead people in Illinois will never do anything about the crime and corruption ruining their state though. As they have done for decades, they will continue to allow a few corrupt Democrats in Chicago to take down the economy of the entire state of Illinois. That’s what they get though for continuing to vote corrupt losers into office!

When Chicago goes bankrupt, in order to pay off his friends and supporters, you can bet that Obama will pour …

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