Just The Beginning: Obamacare Taxes Forces Move of 1400 Jobs To China

Thanks to the taxes that Obamacare places on medical devices, Boston Scientific Corp. has decided to lay off close to 1500 people here in the United States, and move those jobs to China, where they will not be subjected to the over-reaching and overbearing regulations placed on them by the Obama administration.

Many people, including us, said long ago that Obamacare will cause issues like this to start happening at a much more frequent pace, and now we see it starting to come true, as most of our other predictions have as well.. and this is just the beginning!

Boston Scientific Corp. said yesterday that it plans to eliminate 1,200 to 1,400 jobs worldwide during the next 2 1/2 years to free money for new investments, the Natick medical device maker’s second major round of cuts since last year.

The company would not say how many jobs will be lost in Massachusetts, where fewer than 2,000 of its 25,000 employees are based. In February 2010, Boston Scientific said it would pare 1,300 jobs worldwide, but similarly did not say where.

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Why Did The Obama Administration Pick Aug 2 For Deadline?

Why did Obama pick August 2nd for the deadline for raising the debt ceiling? Many people have asked why that date, and now we know the reason why Aug 2nd, of all dates, was picked.

The reason is because Obama is holding a huge 50th birthday bash and fundraiser the very next day (Aug 3rd), and Obama wanted to be able to use his administration’s forced overspending and jacked-up tax rates as a draw for some big donations from the loonies on the left.

This is the same reason why Obama has said that he will veto any short-term fix. They know that the Democrats are looking very bad due to their tax and overspend policies, which has tanked our economy, and Obama doesn’t want to have to deal with it again before the next election.

Obama knows that he and his party are nothing but obstructionists to the multiple ideas and plans that the Republicans have come up with, while Democrats have not put even one plan down on paper to be scrutinized. (Probably because the American People would …

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Coward Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Vows To Kill Republican Debt Plan To Continue Gridlock

Screw You Too Harry! This jackass Democrat, Harry Reid, must be removed from office in the next election, and we will be giving a lot of money to anyone who will try kicking his corrupt ass out of the Senate!

Republicans are really the only party who are honestly trying to come up with plans to deal with Obama’s out-of-control spending binge. The Republicans have passed one bill in the House, and will most likely pass another bill tonight. The corrupt jackass Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has promised that the Democrats will kill the bill though, so all of the work and time spent will be for nothing.

Looks like it may be true that the Obama and the Democrats actually WANT our nation to default on our debt so that they can remake it into their ideal socialist nation.

House Republicans are just wasting their time debating Speaker John Boehner’s debt reduction bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said today.

“Boehner’s bill dies tonight,” Reid communications director Adam Jentleson wrote on Twitter. “Forever.”

The House of Representatives is

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Obama, The Compulsive Liar, Strikes Again, and Again, and Again

Obama uses a prime-time address, and a lot of lies to try and save his own hide, while acting like, and quoting republicans to gain support for his re-election campaign.

In the joke of a speech Obama gave on Monday night, where there was at least one lie in every sentence, Obama tried blaming President Bush and Republicans for HIS over-spending binge, in conjunction with Obama’s job-killing policies, which added over $4 Trillion to the debt in under 2 years, and single-handedly caused the economy down-slide and overall dept problem we are currently facing.

Full Transcript of Obama’s Debt Ceiling Speech

Good evening. Tonight, I want to talk about the debate we’ve been having in Washington over the national debt – a debate that directly affects the lives of all Americans.

For the last decade, we have spent more money than we take in. In the year 2000, the government had a budget surplus. But instead of using it to pay off our debt, the money was spent on trillions of dollars in new tax cuts, while two wars and

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Whack-Job Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee Is Out Of Touch With Reality

Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee’s attack on Republicans is a feeble attempt to push blame for our current financial situation away from those who actually deserve it, like the Obama administration and Democrats who increased our nation’s debt by $4 Trillion in his first 19 months, which historically is more than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.

Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) is a complete wacko nut-job, who probably needs to take her medication and go lay down somewhere. At least until she comes back to reality, or gets removed from office. Seeing how completely out-of-touch with reality Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee really is, it would be best for the country if she was removed from office.

Sounds more like an idiot Rep has no clue about what is going on, and is just sticking up for Obama and her party’s destruction of our economy, jobs, housing, and just about everything else they have touched.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) released a statement Monday saying the “debt crisis” has been “manufactured by House Republicans” who are “attempting to advance an extremist agenda.”

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Washington Times: ‘Is Obama a pathological liar?’

The quick and easy answer is yes, we feel that Obama is an out-of-control pathological liar.

Obama will say anything to get the slightest sliver of support for his failed policies that have made our country’s medium sized problems into an emergency by cramming through their socialist policies, and raising our debt by $2.5260 trillion in under 2 years!

Lets take a little closer look at the Debt problem that the Obama Administration orchestrated.
The liars in the Obama Administration have been deceiving the American People by telling them that the debt is the fault of President Bush, Republicans, big business, or tax breaks for businesses that create jobs, and produce goods and services that support jobs in many other other industries, when the truth is that Obama heaped more debt onto our nation’s back in his first 19 months than all previous Presidents from Washington through Reagan COMBINED.

We feel that the Obama administration put our nation in this precarious position on purpose to try and put the American People’s backs up against a wall which could then be …

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Boehner Ends Dead-End Debt Limit Talks With Tax-Hungry Obama

Obama and most of the Democrats are not honestly in favor of lowering the debt. They do want to raise the debt ceiling and jack up taxes to feed their out-of-control spending, impose more and more job-killing regulations to further damage the economy, and increase the size of the government to try and make us more dependent on the free handouts, as many already are.

Obama and the Democrats have had plenty of time to get the majority of our problems figured out, yet they waited until the last second on the debt problem because they wanted the American People to feel as though their backs were against the wall, and that a Democrat plan must be crammed through as soon as possible. They did the same thing with their socialist takeovers of private sector businesses, and the healthcare bill that none of the Democrats even read before passing.

Here is the letter from House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) that explains why he broke off the debt ceiling negotiations with President Obama.

Dear Colleague,

Our economy is not creating enough

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Steve Wynn: Obama Greatest Wet Blanket to Business & Job Creation in Lifetime

Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts is saying the same things that we have been saying since Obama’s idiotic policies started being crammed out the door of the White House and directly down our throats. President Obama is the main thing that is keeping our nation’s recovery from taking off. The people who make the jobs in the U.S. are afraid to make business moves for fear of what the job-killing Obama administration is going to do next.

We agree with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell when he said “after years of discussions and months of negotiations, I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is unattainable,”

“I’m saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, and progress and job creation in my lifetime.” – Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts

“..those of us who have business opportunities and the capital to do it are going to sit in fear of the President.” – Steve Wynn, CEO of Wynn Resorts

Who doesn’t love a good

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