Democrats Vow To Keep Their Dangerous Open U.S. Borders Policy – No Matter What Supreme Court Says

Democrats Vow To Keep Their Dangerous Open U.S. Borders Policy - No Matter What Supreme Court Says

Democrats Vow To Keep Their Dangerous Open U.S. Borders Policy - No Matter What Supreme Court Says

The dangerous Obama administration is using even more dangerous games to try and hold onto his power after the 2012 election, which USBACKLASH feels is going to be a landslide for the Conservative on the ticket. Obviously the Obama campaign feels this is the truth, which is why they are pulling every dirty trick in the book to try and trick the American People into voting for them again.

“The legislation would have little chance of passing in a stalemated Senate or being approved by a GOP-held House, but it would allow Democrats to push their electoral advantage with Latino voters just as the presidential campaign heats up in July.”

This time the dangerously brain-dead Democrats are vowing to keep the Arizona borders open and free for all terrorists and criminals to enter the US unchecked, with their dangerous drugs or illegal weapons.

It’s not going to happen this time. The American People are finally caught onto the Obama big government Marxist tricks, …

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White House Prostitution Scandal Expands to Include More Agents & Second Hotel

White House Secret Service Prostitution Scandal & Coverup Expands to Include More Agents & Second Hotel

White House Secret Service Prostitution Scandal & Coverup Expands to Include More Agents & Second Hotel

The Obama White House Prostitution Scandal is now expanding to investigate new reports of Obama’s Secret Service detail paying prostitutes at a second hotel, where Obama would be staying in just a few days, after the prostitution filled and and alleged drug fueled Secret Service parties.

There needs to be a full and open investigation into the White House Prostitution Scandal so that the American People have the facts about what the people in the Secret Service are actually doing, when they should be doing their jobs to protect the President of the United States.

Suspicion is spreading in the Secret Service scandal beyond the agents in just one Colombian hotel.

CBS News correspondent Whit Johnson reports that a law enforcement official told CBS News that the latest agent under investigation brought a woman back to the Hilton Hotel in Cartagena, Columbia, just five days before President Barack Obama would be staying there.

Until now, the Hotel Caribe had been the focus of the

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Obama’s White House Legal Council Says No White House Staff Engaged in Prostitution… Yea Right!

Obama's White House Legal Council Says No White House Staff Engaged in Prostitution... Yea Right!

Obama's White House Legal Council Says No White House Staff Engaged in Prostitution... Yea Right!

So, the Obama White House legal council has said that there was no White House staff or White House advance team engaged in the White House Prostitution Scandal that has rocked the Obama administration, and refused to give any details on the investigation, yet they assume that we (The American People) will take their statement as fact instead of what it really is.. White House Self-Preservation Spin.

Anytime that they say that there were no “credible allegations”, that means that there are some allegations, but that the White House feels that the allegations are not credible. That doesn’t mean that the allegations are false, it just means that the Obama White House wants to sweep them under the rug, as they do with all of their scandals and crimes.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced that White House legal counsel has concluded no White House staff engaged in any “misconduct” in Cartagena.

“The decision to conduct a review here, internally, was simply done out

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Suspected Criminal Jon Corzine STILL Bundling Donations For Obama

Suspected Financial Criminal Jon Corzine STILL Bundling Donations For Obama Re-Election

Suspected Financial Criminal Jon Corzine STILL Bundling Donations For Obama Re-Election

It’s pretty bad when you have a suspected financial criminal continue to bundle donations for your reelection campaign.

Jon Corzine, who is very likely guilty of misusing $ billions of customer funds in the MF Global bankruptcy scandal, and guilty as well of lying under oath to try and cover-up the crimes, is still bundling donations for Obama!

We think it tells a lot about Obama and his administration that they have been involved with the scum of our nation, and continues taking money from someone who has already been accused (and mot likely guilty as hell) of mishandling billions of dollars.

Barack Obama’s reelection campaign has released the most recent list of names of fundraising bundlers. On that list is Jon Corzine, the former governor of New Jersey and embattled money man, the former head of MF Global:

Corzine, according to the Obama campaign, has once again helped raise more than $500,000.

(He was likewise named a bundler in January, when the Obama campaign last released the names

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Obama Becomes 1st US President To Raise Debt $5 Billion

Obama has purposefully kept our economy in terrible shape so that there would be more support for the REAL liberal goal, which is to greatly increase the size and scope of the government, and to make as many people dependent on government handouts as possible.

Brain-Dead liberals always try and say how President Bush damaged our economy by overspending, but President Bush spent less in the 8 years of his two terms as President than Obama has spent in less than 3 years and not even one full term.

No matter how unqualified and corrupt Obama is, most brain-dead liberals will never acknowledge what the entire country knows, which is that Obama is the absolute worst president in US history, who has badly damaged our nation, and will take centuries of work by conservatives to repair.

In the 39 months since Barack Obama took the oath of office as president of the United States, the federal government’s debt has increased by $5,027,761,476,484.56.

Although he has served less than a term, Obama is now the first American president to see the

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Mitt Made His Dog A Little Uncomfortable – Obama Ate His Dog – Which Dog Had It Worse?

Mitt Made His Dog A Little Uncomfortable - Obama Ate His Dog - Which Dog Had It Worse?

Mitt Made His Dog A Little Uncomfortable - Obama Ate His Dog - Which Dog Had It Worse?

Who hasn’t done something in the past that, when you look back on it, worked out OK, but could have been handled better, or at least differently?
We all have done things that were not necessarily bad, but not well thought out, but some peoples transgressions are worse than others.

I’m sure that Mitt Romney looks back on having his dog in a kennel on the roof of the car as a mistake that he wouldn’t repeat, but this won’t stop the desperate Obama flunkies from trying to use it against Mitt in the upcoming slaughter, which we like to call the 2012 election.

It is especially not advised to bring up the treatment of a dog, that lived to see another day, when Obama himself ate dogs, on a regular basis, when living in Indonesia with his stepfather!

So on one hand you have Mitt and a dog that may have been a little uncomfortable as they took the pet from …

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Do-Nothing Democrats – Democrat-Controlled Senate is Laziest in 20 Years

Anyone who watches news channels which are not in the back pocket of the Obama administration will be able to tell you that the Obama administration is the laziest and worst administration in US history, and now we are seeing new reports which show beyond doubt that the Democrats are the laziest party in the last 20 years!

Obama and the Dumbocrats haven’t even been able to pass a federal budget in over 3 years!

Throw out the Democrat Bums, and get some Conservatives in office, who will actually do their job.

For those who need proof that the Senate was a do-nothing chamber in 2011 beyond the constant partisan bickering and failure to pass a federal budget, there is now hard evidence that it was among the laziest in 20 years.

In her latest report, Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson revealed a slew of data that put the first session of the 112th Senate at the bottom of Senates since 1992 in legislative productivity, an especially damning finding considering that it wasn’t an election year when congressional action

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To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

To Drop Out Of Buffett Rule Tax Backet The Obamas Hid Away $48,000 Tax Free For Daughters

Obama and his wife are the biggest two-faced hypocrites on the face of the earth!
Michelle Obama says that everyone should exercise and watch what they eat, except Michelle eats the worst out of them all, and just about everything she eats is fried!.

Obama says that we all must “pay our fair share” yet he and his wife have both given each of their daughters a $12,000 tax free gift, which totals $48,000.

What a scum sucking turd!

President Obama and his wife, Michele, gave a total of $48,000 in tax-free gifts to their daughters, according to tax records made public on Friday.

The president and his wife separately gave each daughter a $12,000 gift under a section of the federal tax code that exempts such donations from federal taxes.

There is nothing illegal about the president’s taking advantage of this tax shelter, but it does raise eyebrows given that he has lamented the myriad tax exemptions used by the wealthy—“millionaires and

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