Shared Sacrifice: Biden Charges Secret Service $2,200 Per Month In Rent

Obama’s Vice President, Joe Biden, is charging the Secret Service $2,200 per month in rent, so that they may protect his life while at his home in Wilmington, Del.

It’s really funny that Obama, Biden, and the Democrats want to talk about “shared sacrifice” when Biden, a multi-millionaire, charges rent to the very people who protect him, which comes out of our (the citizen’s) pockets, and many of the rest in the Democrat Culture of Corruption are tax evaders, who do not even pay their own taxes, yet they want ALL OF US to share the burden of paying for Obama’s out-of-control, over-spending binge.

How exactly are Obama and Biden sharing in the “shared sacrifice” they all like to talk about? Why does Joe Biden need that $2,200 per month anyway? He doesn’t.. He just wants to rake in as much cash as he can before being booted out of office in 2012, and will end up collecting an extra $66,000 by the time the contract expires in 2013.

The U.S. Secret Service does more than protect Vice President Joseph

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Washington D.C. Among Top Alcohol, Marijuana, And Cocaine Abusers

We could have told you this for free, but a new study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has found that adults who live in Washington DC more likely to be alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine abusers, and that 11.3 percent of residents, age 12 and up, have a dependence to alcohol and drugs.

Obama has even admitted smoking pot and snorting cocaine. No wonder why we are having the problems we have seen lately in Washington. They are all high as a kite on one thing or another.

A new report says that adults in Washington D.C. abuse alcohol more than anyone else in the country.

According to a new study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 8.1 percent of adults age 26 or older in D.C. are alcohol dependent. Looking at a long-term sampling, alcohol abuse rate is on the rise for the District, according to the survey.

The Washington Examiner first reported the story, noting that alcohol abuse has been a chronic issue in the District, affecting residents from the

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Summary Of Tentative Debt Ceiling Deal Reached Between GOP And Obama

This is a summary of the debt ceiling deal that the Republicans and Democrats came to an agreement on, which many say, will only moderately help our debt problem, and may allow Obama and the Democrats to jack up people’s taxes in the process.

Many in the media will attribute some of the details of the deal to the Tea Party, which would be correct. Without the Tea Party’s influence, Obama and the Democrats would have been able to take this debt deal in a completely different direction, which most independents and conservatives would not be happy with at all.

Obama’s plan would have consisted mostly of cuts to the military, and tax increases to you and me, but little change would have been done to curb the Obama Administration’s over-spending binge, which got us into this precarious position in the first place. It is also Obama’s over-spending binge, and the threats of extra tax liabilities (or “revenues” in “Democrat-speak”) which has kept our economy from recovering, despite all of their unfortunate bailouts, buyouts, and useless Obama “stimulus”, which didn’t …

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Debt Ceiling Plans: Republicans 3, Democrats 0

The House of Representatives has passed their second of three debt ceiling / debt reduction bills, while Obama and the Democrats sit on the sidelines, with no plan of their own, criticizing Republicans for the hard work that they have had to undertake, with no help from the so-called Democrat “leadership” at all.

I’m convinced that Democrats want our country to go into default on our debt because that makes it much easier for Obama and the Democrats to impose their socialistic beliefs on us. Harry Reid has even said that the House plan is “Dead on Arrival” without even seeing the plan, and with no ideas of their own, other than to tax the crap out of U.S. Citizens.

With the U.S. moving perilously closer to defaulting on its loans, the House passed an increase in the federal debt limit as part of Speaker John Boehner’s third version of a deficit-reduction bill, which includes a balanced budget amendment — a pivotal provision for securing the support of hard-line Republicans.

The bill passed in a 218-210 vote, with all House

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Democrat Senator Harry Reid: Tea Party Patriots Are “Extremists”

Jackass Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has insulted a huge chunk of America by using the term “Extremists” to describe the multi-cultural, bipartisan Tea Party, whose widely-shared beliefs reach into every race and class of American society.

We hope that voters finally come to their senses and finally remove this piece of crap from office!

It’s actually pretty funny to hear Democrats call Tea Party Patriots “Extremists”, but they don’t have anything negative to say about the Communist, Marxist, and Socialist groups that control the Democrat party. Just look at the pictures from the liberal “One Nation Working Together” rally, which was put together as an answer to the powerful Tea Party Patriots.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he would never agree to a debt ceiling deal that would require another vote before the end of 2012, and blamed “extremists” from blocking a deal now.

A reporter asked Reid Friday if he would be open to a compromise allowing another vote before the end of 2012.

“No, no, no. We cannot be in this battle

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Just The Beginning: Obamacare Taxes Forces Move of 1400 Jobs To China

Thanks to the taxes that Obamacare places on medical devices, Boston Scientific Corp. has decided to lay off close to 1500 people here in the United States, and move those jobs to China, where they will not be subjected to the over-reaching and overbearing regulations placed on them by the Obama administration.

Many people, including us, said long ago that Obamacare will cause issues like this to start happening at a much more frequent pace, and now we see it starting to come true, as most of our other predictions have as well.. and this is just the beginning!

Boston Scientific Corp. said yesterday that it plans to eliminate 1,200 to 1,400 jobs worldwide during the next 2 1/2 years to free money for new investments, the Natick medical device maker’s second major round of cuts since last year.

The company would not say how many jobs will be lost in Massachusetts, where fewer than 2,000 of its 25,000 employees are based. In February 2010, Boston Scientific said it would pare 1,300 jobs worldwide, but similarly did not say where.

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Obstructionist Democrats Have No Plan & Want Crisis To Continue Until Default

Obama and the Democrats have no viable debt ceiling plan of their own, and will not allow any Republican plans to make it passed the Senate, so no matter what plan the Republicans come up with, it will never even make it to Obama’s desk.

Not only will the Democrats not vote to pass any Republican plans, they are campaigning against all Republican plans (without even seeing them), instead of helping find a viable solution to the crisis that Obama and the Democrats caused with their bailouts, corrupt policies, and out of control binge spending.

When the shit hits the fan, don’t believe the Democrat spin trying to be passed off as fact by most of the corrupt media. The Democrats planned things to work this way, and there is absolutely nothing Republicans can do to make the jackasses play ball.

The REAL reason for any problems we are currently having are due to having a completely inexperienced socialist as U.S. President, who nobody in the media properly vetted because they were too busy getting chills up their legs.


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Why Did The Obama Administration Pick Aug 2 For Deadline?

Why did Obama pick August 2nd for the deadline for raising the debt ceiling? Many people have asked why that date, and now we know the reason why Aug 2nd, of all dates, was picked.

The reason is because Obama is holding a huge 50th birthday bash and fundraiser the very next day (Aug 3rd), and Obama wanted to be able to use his administration’s forced overspending and jacked-up tax rates as a draw for some big donations from the loonies on the left.

This is the same reason why Obama has said that he will veto any short-term fix. They know that the Democrats are looking very bad due to their tax and overspend policies, which has tanked our economy, and Obama doesn’t want to have to deal with it again before the next election.

Obama knows that he and his party are nothing but obstructionists to the multiple ideas and plans that the Republicans have come up with, while Democrats have not put even one plan down on paper to be scrutinized. (Probably because the American People would …

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