Greenspan: Obama’s Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact

The Federal Reserve's massive stimulus program had little impact on the U.S. economy besides weakening the dollar.No matter what the Obama administration or the corrupt, liberal, Obama ass-kissing media says, our economy has not even started to recover after all of the “stimulus” money they spread around to their friends. The only thing that the stimulus did was to ensure that the people who were given the free money will be much more likely to vote for the Democrats, which is exactly what the left knew it would do, and nothing more.

It really seems as though Obama and the Democrats are actively TRYING to make our economy collapse so that they can then re-make the United States into the ideal Communist/Socialist country that they have always wanted.

The Federal Reserve’s massive stimulus program had little impact on the U.S. economy besides weakening the dollar and helping U.S. exports, Federal Reserve Governor Alan Greenspan told CNBC Thursday.

In a blunt critique of his successor, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, Greenspan said the $2 trillion in quantative easing over the past two years had done little to loosen credit and boost the economy.

“There is no evidence that

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Soros, Van Jones Work to Counter Tea Party Movement with Communist American Dream

George Soros and Van Jones have teamed up to form the far-left ‘American Dream Movement’ to push their communist beliefs in opposition to the powerful bipartisan Tea Party Movement.

Disgraced communist, and former Obama-appointed White House environmental adviser Van Jones was rejected by the American People once, which prompted Mr Obama to remove him. We are sure that he and the American Dream Movement will be completely rejected again when people find out what radical communists are involved.

A new movement led by communist revolutionary group founder Van Jones seeks to counter the tea party while petitioning for a progressive agenda that includes “making Wall Street and the super-rich pay their fair share.”

The organization, dubbed “The American Dream Movement,” is partnered with a slew of radical groups funded by billionaire George Soros.

As WND first reported, the movement was introduced using subversive tactics, particularly a hoax Youtube video in which it appeared the ticker outside News Corporation’s Manhattan headquarters had been hacked and reprogrammed with an anti-Fox News script calling for revolution.

The Soros-funded admitted it set up

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Michelle Obama’s South Africa Vacation Cost Taxpayers over $500,000.00

Michelle Obama’s South Africa Vacation Cost Taxpayers over a half million dollars.Actually, they are saying that it could be closer to $800,000.00 when you take everything we had to pay for into consideration.

I’m so sick of hearing the Obamas and other liberals talking about cutting back and conserving, when they obviously do not plan on taking their own advice.   Remove the corrupt “King and Queen Obama”.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to South Africa and Botswana last week cost taxpayers well over half a million dollars, possibly in the range of $700,000 or $800,000, according to an analysis by White House Dossier.

Many of the trip’s expenses cannot be obtained with specificity, including the cost of local transportation for the first lady, Secret Service protection, the care and feeding of staffers, and pre-trip advance work done by administration officials in South Africa.

But it is possible to estimate some of these costs and put a price tag on one of the major expenses – her transportation to and from southern Africa and her trips between cities there.

While the goals of her journey – “youth leadership, education, health and wellness”

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Afghanistan Casualty Rate Increased 5-Fold Under Obama

Afghanistan Casualty Rate Increased 5-Fold Under ObamaWhere is the outrage in the media about the increased military casualty rate as we saw them report when President Bush.was in office? This is just one more example piled on top of the stinking pile of crap we call “Typical Liberal Media Hypocrisy and Corruption”.

The average monthly casualty rate for U.S. military forces serving in Afghanistan has increased 5-fold since President Barack Obama was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2009.

1,540 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since Oct. 7,2001, when U.S. forces began action in that country to oust the Taliban regime that had been harboring al Qaeda and to track down and capture or kill al Qaeda terrorists.

During the Bush presidency, which ended on Jan. 20, 2009 with the inauguration of President Obama, U.S. troops were present in Afghanistan for 87.4 months and suffered 570 casualties—a rate of 6.5 deaths per month.

During the Obama presidency, through today, U.S. troops have been present in Afghanistan for 29.1 months and have suffered 970 casualties —a rate of 33.3 deaths per month.

This evening President Obama is

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