Charles Krauthammer: ‘Call Obama’s bluff’

Charles Krauthammer is, by far, the smartest political mind in the media today, and he hits the nail right on the head in his new piece titled “Call Obama’s bluff”.

Mr Krauthammer goes after Obama’s assertion that he would not sign any deal less than 120 days, but has no plan of his own to deal with entitlements and the current Obama budget crunch.

I agree with Mr Krauthammer ! The GOP should pass their budget plan in the House and then wait and see what happens in the Senate. If it fails there, blame will be mainly placed at the feet of the Democrats.

President Obama is demanding a big long-term budget deal. He won’t sign anything less, he warns, asking, “If not now, when?”

How about last December, when he ignored his own debt commission’s recommendations? How about February, when he presented a budget that increases debt by $10 trillion over the next decade? How about April, when he sought a debt-ceiling increase with zero debt reduction attached?

All of a sudden he’s a born-again budget balancer

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Obama’s Arab Popularity Lower than G.W. Bush’s

Obama’s popularity is going down? Imagine that…. My cat could have told you that would happen.

We knew that it was just a matter of time until the shine on the Obama presidency wore off and members of the press started telling the not-so-flattering details of the current administration, instead of
running the stories about the president sending chills up their leg, as what happened with the brain-dead jackass Chris Matthews.

If the media was completely truthful, and not a pack of lying, Obama-swooning jackasses, they would have vetted Obama BEFORE he took office, so we could have bypassed some of the huge problems we are having with jobs and the economy, which were caused, or made much worse by Obama.

James Zogby, the anti-Israel pollster who released these findings today, blames the drop in support for Obama in the Arab world on Obama’s failure to put the amount of pressure on Israel the Arab world wanted and expected. But according to the poll, the Arab world doesn’t seem to be happy with any of America’s foreign policy positions. Respondents

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‘Real Solution’ to Debt Not Possible With Obama as President

Mr. McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner have laid it on the line, and told the American People the truth, saying that a real solution to our debt problem is not possible as long as Obama is president.

Obama is really a closet socialist who will never give in to lower taxes and less entitlements for the good of the country, even though he HAS to know that lower taxes and less entitlement programs are the key to economic recovery.

A “real solution” to U.S. fiscal problems isn’t possible as long as President Barack Obama remains in office, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday, heightening the rhetoric surrounding the debt-ceiling debate.

Mr. McConnell, the Senate’s top Republican, and House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio), both blamed President Obama for the stalemate in the debt-ceiling and deficit-reduction talks, and urged the White House to break the impasse. Negotiations resumed for a third-straight day Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. McConnell said he had gone into negotiations in good faith over how to formulate a deficit-reduction package to accompany an increase in the statutory

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Many Companies Flee California For More Business-Friendly States

“Companies are “disinvesting” in California at a rate five times greater than just two years ago.”
We don’t blame companies from wanting to leave states like CA and NY, due mostly to their very anti-jobs stance, high taxes, and strict regulations.

This is great news for all other business-friendly states, who would love to have these companies move to their states.

Buffeted by high taxes, strict regulations and uncertain state budgets, a growing number of California companies are seeking friendlier business environments outside of the Golden State.

And governors around the country, smelling blood in the water, have stepped up their courtship of California companies. Officials in states like Florida, Texas, Arizona and Utah are telling California firms how business-friendly they are in comparison.

Companies are “disinvesting” in California at a rate five times greater than just two years ago, said Joseph Vranich, a business relocation expert based in Irvine. This includes leaving altogether, establishing divisions elsewhere or opting not to set up shop in California.

“There is a feeling that the state is not stable,” Vranich said. “Sacramento can’t

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Obama Administration Trade Gap Surges to 3 Year High

The Democrats say that they are fixing the economy, but they are actually doing the opposite. They are trashing our economy on purpose.
Now we see that the U.S. trade gap has grown to the highest level in almost 3 years.

The U.S. trade gap widened sharply in May to its highest level in nearly three years as surging oil prices helped push imports to a near record and exports fell slightly from April’s all-time high.

The trade deficit totaled $50.2 billion, the highest since October 2008, and well above the consensus estimate of $44 billion from Wall Street analysts surveyed before the report, a Commerce Department report showed on Tuesday.

Despite the bigger-than-expected deficit, the high levels of exports and a pick-up of capital good imports show the struggling U.S. economy still has some signs of life.

“It still looks like foreign trade will make a positive contribution to second quarter growth, but … maybe a half percentage point less positive. That’s the bottom line — another disappointing data point for the quarter,” said Ken Mayland, president of Clearview

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Rubio: Every Aspect Of Life In America Worse Since Obama Took Office

The majority of the country now feels that almost every aspect of American life is worse off since Obama took office, and most of these people also feel that we will have no improvement until Obama is out of office.


“Every aspect of life in America today is worse than it was when [President Obama] took over. Unemployment higher. Interest rates. The only thing that has gone down in America over the last two years is the value of your home. This president has mismanaged this economy. He has been incompetent in his management of this economy,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said on “Hannity.”

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –

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5 Dead, 23 Injured Over Violent Chicago Holiday Weekend

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is really doing a bang-up job isn’t he? NOT!

This just goes to show when you put corrupt thugs in office, the other corrupt thug jackasses know they can come out of the woodwork with a wave of violence, and no repercussions from their followers on the left. Instead, Rahm Emanuel praised the Chicago public safety agencies that allowed the violence to escalate in the first place.

“I commend the City’s public safety agencies and employees for their efforts to make this year’s event the safest in recent memory,”

5 Dead and 23 injured in the Chicago July 4th weekend, and Emanuel says that it is “the safest in recent memory”?
If that is the case, I’d be #1 Removing the “leaders” who allow such violence to occur because they are corrupt and inept, and #2 moving away from Chicago if getting rid of the scum is not possible.

Chicago turned violent over the holiday weekend as five men were killed and more than 20 were injured in shootings and stabbings since Friday.

The deaths began

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Obama “Stimulus” Cost Taxpayers $278,000 Per Job

The Obama administration says that their “stimulus plan” “saved or created” 2.4 million jobs, and cost the taxpayers $666 billion. Using their numbers, that works out to be a cost to the taxpayer of $278,000 per job!

“the government could simply have cut a $100,000 check to everyone whose employment was allegedly made possible by the “stimulus,” and taxpayers would have come out $427 billion ahead.”

And the Obama administration is worried about saving a few million dollars on taxes from jet airplane owners, but they will waste Billions of dollars on nothing.
They weren’t trying to stimulate anything other than spreading our money around to stimulate more votes for Democrats down the road.

When the Obama administration releases a report on the Friday before a long weekend, it’s clearly not trying to draw attention to the report’s contents. Sure enough, the “Seventh Quarterly Report” on the economic impact of the “stimulus,” released on Friday, July 1, provides further evidence that President Obama’s economic “stimulus” did very little, if anything, to stimulate the economy, and a whole lot to stimulate

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