Eric Holder, Justice Dept’s Cover-Up of Fast & Furious Deepens

Corrupt Eric Holder Fast & Furious cover-Up Deepens

Corrupt Eric Holder Fast & Furious cover-Up Deepens

Eric Holder and others in the Justice Department need to be removed for their lies and deception in covering up their rolls in the botched “Fast and Furious” Gun Running Scandal!

We have never seen such incompetence and corruption that we have gotten used to with every part of the Obama administration, but now its time to start removing them from office and cleaning up their messes.

The Justice Department on Friday provided Congress with documents detailing how department officials gave inaccurate information to a U.S. senator in the controversy surrounding Operation Fast and Furious, the flawed law enforcement initiative aimed at dismantling major arms trafficking networks on the Southwest border.

In a letter last February to Charles Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Justice Department said that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms had not sanctioned the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser and that the agency makes every effort to intercept weapons that have been purchased illegally. In Operation Fast and Furious, both

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Tea Party Tries Countering Occupy Economic Terrorists

The Tea Party organizers are trying (a bit late..) to counter the damage caused by the Obama-backed, anti-capitalist, economic terrorists, that call themselves the “occupy Movement”.

To counter the economic terrorism that Obama is so fond of, the Tea Party Movement is calling for a “BUYcott”, urging everyone to spend money with the companies that the economic terrorists are targeting.

Please read our previous story to learn which businesses to spend your money with this holiday season.

Anti-Occupy Wall Street” groups are taking on the protesters of “Occupy Black Friday” with “BUYcott Black Friday.”

Liberate Philadelphia/Liberate America, a Tea Party coalition of groups countering the “OccupyWall Street” movement,are challenging the latestmove by Occupy Wall Street protesters to occupy or boycott publicly traded retailers on Black Friday by instead encouraging consumers toshop onBlack Friday to help the economy recover.

“At a time when our economy is most fragile and ratings agencies are talking about another downgrade of the rating, it’s completely irresponsible for Occupy Wall Street to attempt to bring the U.S. economy to a halt on the busiest

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Obama-Backed Occupy Economic Terrorists Target Already Struggling Businesses

Obama-Backed Occupy Economic Terrorists Target Already Struggling Businesses

Obama-Backed Occupy Economic Terrorists Target Already Struggling Businesses

Now the occupy mobs are targeting businesses, already hurting by the negative effect of the Obama administration’s policies, and their complete inability, or unwillingness, to do what is needed to get our economy back on track.

Occupy is just another attempt at eroding our Capitalist society, and remaking it more in line with their Marxist / Socialist / Communist / Anarchist vision of America, and Obama is right behind them, giving ligitmacy to the group of economic terrorists.

We have said for some time now that the Obama administration actually WANTS our economy to fail, and Obama’s support of these economic terrorists is more proof that we have been right about Obama all along.

Some demonstrators are planning to occupyretailers on Black Friday to protest “the business that are inthe pockets of Wall Street.”

Organizers are encouraging consumers to either occupyor boycott retailers that are publicly traded,according tothe Stop Black Friday website.

The goal of the movement is to impact the profits ofmajor corporations thisholiday season.

“The idea is simple, hit the

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Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s Company Cashed In On $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout

Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s ‘Green’ Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout

Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s ‘Green’ Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout

The Obama administration political paybacks and crony capitalism never end!
Now we are learning about how Robert Kennedy’s ‘green’ company that received 1.4 billion in taxpayer-backed loan guarantees as a payback for the firm raising money for Obama in the 2008 presidential campaign.

Obama and some of the people in his administration needs to be arrested for how they are abusing their power, and completely mishandling our money for political gain!

President John F. Kennedy’s nephew, Robert Kennedy, Jr., netted a $1.4 billion bailout for his company, BrightSource, through a loan guarantee issued by a former employee-turned Department of Energy official.

It’s just one more in a string of eye-opening revelations by investigative journalist and Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer in his explosive new book, Throw Them All Out.

The details of how BrightSource managed to land its ten-figure taxpayer bailout have yet to emerge fully. However, one clue might be found in the person of Sanjay Wagle.

Wagle was one of the principals in Kennedy’s firm who raised money for

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Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi Cashes In On Credit Card Regulations She Helped Craft

Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi and her husband are cashing in on credit card regulations she helped craft.

Ultra-Corrupt Nancy Pelosi and her husband are cashing in on credit card regulations she helped craft.

Not only has Ultra Corrupt Nancy Pelosi completely failed to “Drain The Swamp” of crime and corruption in the Democrat party, she has actually added her own crime and corruption slime into the growing Democrat cesspool of corruption in Washington.

Pelosi seems to have been involved in crafting credit-card regulations on one hand, and cashing in on those regulations with the other hand. Typical Democrat Crime.

Nancy Pelosi is one of the dirtiest members of our government, who should be removed from office, but the brain-dead liberals in San Francisco hell will never get rid of her. They must like the corruption and crime she brings to their state.

Here is our guess as to how Nancy Pelosi’s corruption will be explained away. (The same way these corrupt Democrats explain away all of their crime and corruption.) “We are completely ignorant of any wrongdoing, and any perceived problems were just a misunderstanding”

Indications from the Beltway media world are that 60 Minutes is preparing

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Above-The-Law Obama Rejects Solyndra Scandal Subpoena

The Above-The-Law Obama administration, which is the most corrupt and secretive administration in U.S. History, has decided that they will not cooperate with the subpoena of documents relating to the Obama administration’s role in the Solyndra government loan scandal and coverup.

Obama is so dirty, and corrupt, and his administration is in big trouble in the next election as well, so they have a lot to hide.

They talk about how many pages, of the wrong documents, they have handed over already, but the Obama administration is hiding the documents that show what corrupt activities and crimes they have been involved in.

President Obama’s attorney sent a letter to Congressional investigators on Friday, saying the White House would not cooperate with a subpoena requesting documents related to its doling out a $535 million loan guarantee to now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra.

“I can only conclude that your decision to issue a subpoena, authorized by a party-line vote, was driven more by partisan politics than a legitimate effort to conduct a responsible investigation,” Obama’s counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler, wrote in a

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No-Class Obama Snubs 2011 World Series Champion St Louis Cardinals

Class-Challenged Obama didn’t call the 2011 World Series Champion St Louis Cardinals following their historic run to the championship, as all other REAL presidents have done in the past.

He and his family used the World Series as a photo op, but don’t care one bit about baseball, widely accepted norms, or even the law.

No class Obama.. No Class!

Was President Barack Obama too busy watching the “Operation Repo” marathon or something else last Friday night?

When KMOX host Charlie Brennan asked now-retired St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa how the traditional call of congratulations from the White House went, La Russa suddenly realized that…it never happened.

“That’s a good point, I hadn’t really even thought about that,” replied a surprised-sounding La Russa, who can be forgiven for having a few other things on his mind over the past week. “As we were getting into the World Series we had a call from the White House to make sure they had the correct number for my office.”

But as the wild, champagne-drenched celebration of the team’s 11th World

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Obama Administration’s Ties With Corrupt MF Global and Others Raise Questions

Obama's MF Global Ties are Big Trouble for Re-election Campaign

Obama's MF Global Ties are Big Trouble for Re-election Campaign

More Obama administration Crony Capitalism and Corruption comes to light when looking into the corrupt and bankrupt financial company MF Global, which is currently being investigated by the FBI after finding out that besides the shockingly quick bankruptcy, hundreds of millions of dollars are also missing from their client’s accounts.

MF Global’s chairman and CEO, and former New Jersey governor, Jon Corzine, raised at least $500,000 for the Obama campaign, and in return, Obama campaigned for Corzine’s failed re-election efforts, and is said to be planning on offering Corzine a position in his administration, if re-elected.

That is a VERY big “IF” Obama!!

The bankrupt financial company MF Global, now under federal investigation for possibly misusing clients’ money, is one of the top sources of contributions for President Obama’s reelection, complicating the campaign’s effort to turn public anger at Wall Street into a political advantage.

Employees of the company have given $108,650 to Obama’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, according to federal records. MF Global’s chairman and chief executive,

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