Carjacking Explosion In Violent & Deadly Leftist Shithole Cities Comes Full Circle On Worthless Democrat Lawmakers

In just two days, two democrat lawmakers were carjacked in the violent and deadly leftist-run shitholes of Chicago and Philadelphia.

Democrat Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon was carjacked in Philadelphia in broad daylight.

U.S. Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon was carjacked and robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight on Wednesday afternoon shortly after finishing a meeting at FDR Park, her office and police officials confirmed. She was not injured.

Democrat Sen. Kimberly Lightford was carjacked in Chicago by three thugs in a Dodge Durango, with gunshots fired. (Imagine that.. they’re driving a Dodge)

Illinois Democrat Senator Kimberly Lightford and her husband were carjacked in a Chicago suburb Tuesday evening. “Three masked subjects driving a Durango hijacked a black Mercedes Benz SUV, in the possession of State Senator Kimberly Lightford,” police said.

Disgusting leftist skank liar, and former California Senator, Barbara Boxer was also robbed in broad daylight in Oakland CA. just a couple months ago.

Former U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer was assaulted and robbed Monday in Oakland, California, her son said. The assault happened in the Jack London Square neighborhood

Personally, I will no longer travel to any of these dangerous, violent and deadly democrat run-down shithole cities and, for your safety, we suggest that you forego all travel to democrat-run shitholes as well!

You won’t find me or anyone in my family in any cities as disgusting and violent and deadly as Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Fransicko and many others – and it’s because of similar feelings by millions of other Americans that is making these democrat-run cities completely fucking die, because nobody wants to go to these places anymore and get murdered.

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