CA Shithole Meme Winner – ‘Livin’ It Up At The Hotel California’

LIVIN IT UP AT THE HOTEL CALIFORNIA – This meme is brilliant! I wish I had thought of it, but I didn’t.

This has to be one of the best memes about how Nancy Pelosi and the democrats have destroyed the state of California – and how the living conditions in California have gone from horrible to unlivable – with huge mount of human shit and piss everywhere, it’s even unsafe to your health to go there.

Think about it – After the shit cleaning crews go around the city of San Fransicko and hose-down the loads of shit and piss coating the streets and sidewalks everyday, that toxic human race runoff goes exactly where? Yep. Into the street sewers, where it can fester, and ultimately ending up in a fresh water stream or the ocean.

So Nancy Pelosi is allowing her toxic city to poison the waters of America and the world.

THANKS NANCY! (you dumb bitch)

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –