Butthurt Rory McIlroy Won’t Answer Questions About Stealing Fan’s Phone & Having Him Thrown Off Grounds During Practice Round

Butthurt Rory McIlroy had college golfer Luke Potter booted from the grounds, during a practice round, after the fan made a verbal connection between a shot Rory had just hit, and one of his horrible fuck-ups from the 2011 Masters. Thin-skinned McIlroy walked over to the fan, asked to see his phone, walked off with the fan’s phone, and then had security throw the fan off the golf course grounds.

THEN, to make matters worse, McIlroy refuses to answer questions about it. What a complete fucking pussy loser!

We’ve read that the fan never got his phone back, and if that is the case it is a theft, and Rory should be charged with robbing he fan.

Rory McIlroy is a two-faced little fucking pussy! I have never liked that dude ever since he was talking bad about President Trump before and during his 1st administration, and was asked at the time about playing golf again with President Trump, and having McIlroy give some squishy pussy answer, saying that he doubted he would accept another invitation to play with President Trump.

Funny how things change when Trump was re-elected and back in the White House, because Rory just played another round with President Trump.

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