Breitbart has COMPLETELY lost it’s way since the death of Andrew Breitbart, and now they are looked upon as a joke of the conservative media outlets.

Breitbart Losers Claim They Don’t Publish Editorial “Open Letters” – EXCEPT When They Can Use it To Trash Trump
What kind of piece of shit website claims that they don’t publish editorial “open letters” but then turns around and publishes an open letter by Brent Bozell, where he tries trashing Trump.
When President Trump shocks the civilized world by killing the children of terrorists, arming nations with nuclear weapons (you don’t think Russia won’t do likewise with its allies?) and breaking the Geneva Convention (God help our men and women captured by our enemies who will do the same) will you live with that?
How fucking stupid can you get Brent??? Like Donald Trump will just start killing children and arming other nations with nuclear weapons.
The only thing that Brent Bozell and have done is turn away at least half of their readers, if not more, and make himself look like a completely unhinged tool!
In fact, Breitbart used to be one of the top 3 websites that I used to get my conservative news from, until they started attacking Trump and Trump supporters. Now I view Breitbart pretty much the same as I do MSNBC or CNN, and have moved the link in my favorites all the way to the bottom, and I rarely go there anymore.
Brietbart and Brent Bozell need to stop attacking Trump with their 100% made up bullshit, or they may lose their last shred of credibility.
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