Brave Guitar Great Eric Clapton Speaks Out on Weaponized China Virus, Corrupt Government Control

Guitar great Eric Clapton is speaking out about the many problems he had after getting the Wuhan China Virus “vaccine” shots, and says that he lost use of his hands and feet for a couple weeks, and still has ongoing problems due to the fake vaccine, which really is no vaccine at all, if you really look at it.

Watch this whole video.

“I got the notification, you can come and get, and I was holding out for astrazeneca, because it came from oxford. And so you know that I’m pretty naive about this stuff and I thought well at least I’d heard that was the old-school method of inoculation, and I went and had the jab and I got a little green like library card and I thought that’s that’s what I’m going to show the people when I get on the plane. It’s a lot of funny stuff about it and several hours I was shaking like a leaf and I went to bed early and I couldn’t get warm and I thought am I running a fever? I was boiling hot and sweating and then I was cold, and I was out for the count for about a week. And I had been preparing for a project where I was going to be playing acoustic guitar with a couple of musicians, and we were going to film it. That week knocked me out and I had to start again from scratch. And I was okay but but it wasn’t.. it didn’t come off as well as I would like to because I would.. professionally it was a huge setback and it frightened the shit out of me because I didn’t know how long it would last.

I then started to find out more, and it was about that time that I ran into somebody, I said well here’s my number, we swapped numbers. He was on telegram, so I contacted him and he told me about a channel where I could find lots of information and a lot of support, and so I logged on to that, and there’s a chap called Robin Monotti, who who runs a channel and it’s for anybody that’s concerned, or in my case looking for support.

For me I felt so alone up until that point. I really couldn’t talk to my family and my kids, my teenagers, were.. it seemed like they’d been brainwashed and there was a lot of that kind of going on from from other protests that were happening earlier. They were really.. it was the first time I’d seen my kids passionate about anything, and I thought it was great, but I was being ostracized, and I could feel that everywhere. I could feel alienation because I held a different view, so I was trying to keep my mouth shut, but I did.. I was following the channel avidly, and bit by bit I realized that I probably shouldn’t have had the first jab.

But then I was offered the second, and I thought, ‘Well what have I got? What’s the point in, you know, stopping now?’, so I went and had the second, and then it got really bad.

Within about a week I had lost.. my hands didn’t really work. They were.. I suffered from a condition already called peripheral neuropathy, which is nerve damage pain really.. Which means that you know I can get numb, or pins and needles. When I had the second jab, that was.. and they do say that condition, by the way, is progressive and it’s incurable. So I had expected it to be.. it’s manageable I expected it to be something that would gradually grow worse as I got older, into my 80s or whatever.

But always you know it could be.. get some ice pack or whatever, it would be fine. This went.. ramped up, from on a scale of ten say from three to one eight or nine – agony and chronic pain. It’s not you know.. when you know that nothing will work, there’s no medication you can take that will help, it’s very very frightening, and the worst thing is you don’t know when it’s gonna wear off, or when it’s gonna go away.

So that that was due.. that was what frightened me the most medically health-wise, and it still does, because of me I have gigs to do, I have recording work to do, but I can’t touch the guitar to play the guitar.

It’s not fun, and it’s something I do. You know then I when I put it down it’s there until I go to bed, and I take sleeping pills because I can’t sleep because of the pain, and that’s not it’s not a good way to live.”

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