Brainless Rochester Institute of Technology Assistant Philosophy Professor Proposes Throwing Global Warming Skeptics in Jail

Brainless Rochester Institute of Technology Assistant Philosophy Professor Proposes Throwing Global Warming Skeptics in Jail

Brainless Rochester Institute of Technology Assistant Philosophy Professor Proposes Throwing Global Warming Skeptics in Jail

Lawrence Torcello, a global warming stooge, and brainless assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, wrote an essay suggesting how skeptics of the debunked Global Warming Lie should be charged with criminal negligence and thrown in jail.

Wait, What? He is an Assistant Philosophy Professor? That’s right. An ASSISTANT OF PHILOSOPHY..

The jackass is not even a scientist, or anyone who has a good knowledge of the scam that global warming proponents have been pushing for years. Instead, the brainless jackass is only an assistant professor of philosophy.

We think that, if ANYONE should be charged with a crime and sent to jail, it should be all of the corrupt Global Warming scam artists like Lawrence Torcello and others like Al Gore who continue making piles of dirty money from their Global Warming Lie.

An assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology has proposed a bold plan to settle the debate on Global Warming. Lawrence Torcello wrote an essay suggesting that scientists who fail to fall in line with global warming alarmists should be charged with criminal negligence, and possibly even be thrown in jail. Nothing screams academic freedom like a little intellectual Fascism. Right?

When it comes to global warming, much of the public remains in denial about a set of facts that the majority of scientists clearly agree on.

Well, Larry (can we call him Larry?), it might surprise you – an assistant professor of philosophy – to learn that science is not a democratic study. Skepticism, opposition, and deviation from the adopted narrative are more responsible for scientific discovery than blind allegiance to any prevailing theory. And, quite frankly, the theory of anthropogenic global warming has been delegitimized by some of its greatest proponents… Most scientists would agree that it becomes increasingly difficult to believe in a theory that has routinely failed to produce any moderately accurate models or predictions. But, of course it gets better:

With such high stakes, an organized campaign funding misinformation ought to be considered criminally negligent.

Laughably, Larry is not talking about East Anglia, Al Gore, or the UN Climate Change Scandal (where a number of scientists were quoted out of context to give the impression of a consensus view on climate change). In fact, while Larry alleges that “deniers” (apparently the word “skeptic” doesn’t have the right amount of stigma attached to it) are engaged in a misinformation campaign, he never once defends the propagandistic efforts of the global-warming-faithful.

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