Lars Maischak, a brainless fucktard “lecturer” at Fresno State needs to be arrested for his threat of violence towards President Donald Trump.
“To save American democracy, Trump must hang. The sooner and the higher, the better. #TheResistance #DeathToFascism” – Brainless Fresno State Cocksucker Employee Lars Maischak
Unlike nutless pussy dick sucker Lars Maischak, we would never call for the murder of a US President, even anti-American terrorist-friendly hacks like Obama, but Fresno State allows their employees, like libtard faggot Lars Maischak, to openly threaten our President.
Just look at the picture of Lars Maischak above and tell me that he doesn’t suck dick on a regular basis…
Nutless pussy Lars Maischak should be arrested, investigated, and sent to prison for his threats to hang President Trump.
Good thing it is not a crime to speak about the possibility of someone murdering libtard douchebag Lars Maischak, and I would laugh hard if someone actually put a bullet in Lars Maischak’s head.
If I had a kid about ready to go off to college, I would make sure that my kids are not attending a piece of shit school like Fresno State , who obviously have no problem with calls for violence against our President by their deviant loser employees.
A Fresno State lecturer makes disgusting comments about President Trump.
Lars Maischak is a lecturer from Fresno State who has let out a public stream of tweets, which illustrate his hatred of capitalism, the GOP, and Christian values. He also called for there to be a hanging of President Donald Trump in order to allegedly ‘save American democracy’. What a terrible era in which dangerous people like this teach the students.
His tweets speak for themselves. We have them screenshotted [sic] as well as embedded his posts so that when he inevitably deletes the them we’ll always have a record of them:
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