![Brainless Obama DOJ Will Undoubtedly Allow More Terrorist Attacks Against America - Won't Profile To Save American Lives](https://usbacklash.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Obama-Biden-Holder-Three-Most-Corrupt-Democrats-300x197.jpg)
Brainless Obama DOJ Will Undoubtedly Allow More Terrorist Attacks Against America – Won’t Profile To Save American Lives
The brain-dead jackasses in Obama’s Department of Justice won’t consider religion, national origin, or gender/sexual orientation when trying to determine who is a dangerous criminal, and who is not, but they will spy on every aspect of an innocent American’s personal and private lives, with no reason whatsoever.
This is typical brainless action by Obama and his cronies, whether at the DOJ, NSA, IRS, or any of the other corrupt organizations that continue abusing the rights of Americans.
Actually, when you do some research into the terrorist attacks on our soil since Obama took office, you’ll quickly see that Obama’s brainless national security people have not stopped even one terrorist attack against America and our people. The only reason why there have not been many thousand more dead Americans at the hands of terrorists is because the terrorists don’t know how to make bombs.
“There have been more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil by Muslims in Obama’s first 18 months in office than in the six years under Bush after he invaded Iraq.
Here is a quick list which highlights just a few of the terrorist attacks that we have been attacked with while on Obama’s watch. (Not anywhere close to being complete) So when ever you hear stupid liberals say that “We have not been attacked once under Obama”, you can look straight into their eyes, and say “You are a stupid liberal lying sack of crap!” (just like Obama and his criminal friends)
- December 2001 – Shoe Bomber Richard Reid tried and failed to detonate plastic explosives packed in his shoes while aboard an airliner.
- March 2006 – Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar drove an SUV onto the North Carolina campus, purposefully striking nine pedestrians.
- November 2009 – Ft. Hood Shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan left 13 soldiers and civilians dead and more than two dozen others wounded.
- June 2009 – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot up a military recruiting center in Little Rock, Ark., leaving one soldier dead and one wounded.
- December 2009 – Underwear Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted and failed to blow up a plane landing in Detroit.
- May 2010 – Times Square Bomber Faisal Shahzad set off a bomb in the back of a Nissan Pathfinder, which failed to explode properly.
The truth is that Obama’s people, including the criminals at the NSA, didn’t stop terrorists from attacking America. The Obama administration record was only saved by the fact that the terrorist-made bombs just didn’t explode correctly.
Now they really will not be able to stop any future terrorist attacks because they will not use some of the most important details to profile the criminals around us. (not talking about the criminals Obama and Holder)
President Obama’s Department of Justice wants to “expand its definition of racial profiling” so that federal agents will no longer be able to consider religion, national origin, or gender/sexual orientation in their investigations.
According to The New York Times, this follows a decade of complaints from civil rights groups that Muslims “have been singled out in counterterrorism investigations” after Muslim terrorists attacked the U.S. on September 11, 2001.
These changes will limit federal agents’ ability to fight and/or prevent terror attacks like the Boston Marathon bombing. In this way, the changes actually help Al Qaeda and Islamist terror by removing or limiting law enforcement tools.
ACLU national security attorney Hina Shamsi praised the proposed changes, saying: “Putting an end to [these profiling techniques] not only comports with the Constitution, it would put real teeth to the F.B.I.’s claims that it wants better relationships with minorities.”
The Bush administration also limited profiling in 2003 but with these distinctions: profiling was still allowed in cases where national security was at stake and in other cases it only barred profiling based on race. Attorney General Eric Holder has not said whether profiling will still be allowed where national security is at stake.
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