Brainless LA Council Votes To Spend Taxpayer Money On Sham Fracking Study Designed To Damage Oil Industry
In response to some liberal twitter user posts, the brain dead LA city council members have now voted to spend taxpayer money on a sham study on fracking.
They say that the study will determine whether fracking was the cause of the earthquake that shook Los Angeles on Monday, but the study is just a sham put forward by liberal dumb-asses who want to stop all oil production in the United States, and will lie to reach their goal.
These brainless LA city council members must not know anything about earthquakes, and probably don’t even realize that their state sits on top of the San Andreas fault – where hundreds of miles of lateral movement can occur.
After widespread speculation by the Twitterverse that fracking caused the earthquake that shook Los Angeles on Monday, three LA City Council members have now moved to begin a study on whether indeed fracking could be behind the seismic event. Councilmen Paul Koretz, Bernard Parks, and Mike Bonin have asked city departments to work with the US Geological Survey, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources to determine whether fracking contributed to the earthquake.
The City Council has already moved to ban fracking within the city. The City Council vote was a unanimous 10-0, with Parks telling the press, “We’ve learned a great deal about the problems with fracking, and it is because of these grassroots groups that we’ve been educated.”
The proposed motion read, “It is crucial to the health and safety of the City’s residents to understand the seismic impacts of oil and gas extraction activities in the City.” Seismologist Lucy Jones told the LA Times that the theory “sounds implausible…Induced earthquakes are almost always shallower than this.”
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