In an interview with Libertarian Kennedy, unhinged and crazy Green Party nut-job loser Jill Stein claims that she and the Hillary Clinton campaign are working on having the failed and bogus “recount” done in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan because there were some unhappy crybabies who were unhappy with the election.
“This is not a partisan action here. This is on behalf of very frustrated, cynical, disappointed voters, who 80%, according to the New York Times poll, said they were disgusted by the process of this election, and unhappy with the candidates, unhappy with the dialogue, unhappy with the whole thing..” – Crazy Nut-Job Loser Jill Stein
Stupid skank Jill Stein also says there there is no evidence of hacking, which is the reason why they want to do the recount.
“..because there is no evidence (of hacking election).. There is no evidence until you look for it.”
It sounds to me like Jill Stein is a mentally unhinged nut-job who really needs a good psychologist!
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