HAHAHA!!! The democratsare obviously stupid or corrupt – we firmly believe the democrats are both stupid and corrupt – and the democrats should never again be trusted to run a fucking lemonade stand, let alone a state or our country.

Brainless Democrats Can’t Even Count Few Thousand Caucus Votes – No Wonder They Suck At Running States & Country
The democrat liars are claiming that there has been no funny business with the fucked up Iowa presidential caucus trainwreck, but somehow I very much doubt that, and feel that if Creepy Joe Biden would have done better that the democrats would have released the results.
Fake news liars like MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough are even trying to blame the people of Iowa for the democrat’s fuck-ups, but that’s just more of the typical lies and fake news from a host and network that does nothing but lie to their viewers. It wasn’t the Iowa voters who made a piece of shit app used by the democrats, and it wasn’t the Iowa voters who caused any of the other many things that have gone wrong with the DNC Iowa presidential caucus… it was the stupid democrats.
“This is insanity, when … the whole world is watching, I knew it was a bad sign when I fly into the Des Moines airport, first bathroom I go into, two of the five stalls not working — ‘out of order’ signs. I knew it was an omen. I kept it to myself. You never talk about things like that on the air, but I just did, because I’m thinking, you know what? They can’t run a bathroom — how are they going to run a democracy?” – MSNBC Fake News Liar Joe Scarborough
You can’t blame the people of Iowa for the democrats attempts to skew the DNC Iowa caucus results – blame yourselves and the corrupt and hapless DNC losers/criminals.
The Democrat Caucus is an unmitigated disaster. Nothing works, just like they ran the Country. Remember the 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare Website, that should have cost 2% of that. The only person that can claim a very big victory in Iowa last night is “Trump”.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2020
Don’t listen to the democrat’s bullshit lies blaming apps, coding or database issues, or the supposed “log in problems” – Hell, brainless loser nobody Andrew Yang is even blaming President Trump for the problems with the DNC caucus voting schemes. “It’s like a bad drug deal.”
The only real problem with the DNC Iowa presidential caucus is that the democrats are all engaged in another coverup for the democrats stealing another election from their rightful candidate – and right under our noses – with a rancid and overwhelming stench of Clinton.
Democrats want to damage Socialist Bernie Sanders before the New Hampshire debate to ultimately try and prevent Bernie from becoming the DNC presidential nominee – and when the real results are revealed it will give Biden an excuse for not doing better – and Biden will blame the caucus reporting problems for the bad results.
Joe Biden is already blaming the problems with the DNC voting app.
“You see in the letter we have real concerns about the integrity of the process. I think there were significant failures in the process last night that should give voters concern. You obviously had the app failure, the app that precinct captains were using to report in their results failed. You had the phone system where precinct captains, there were reports of them getting frustrated — not being able to report out their results, hanging up.. Then you have the presidential preference cards, which are essentially the paper trail for the app, which we already know failed.” – Creepy Groper Joe Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield
I’ve also been hearing that the people of Iowa are pretty fucking pissed off that the democrats, and their fake news media liars, are all blaming the Iowa voters for the out-of-control democrat incompetence, corruption and failures!
President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign ridiculed the delayed results of the Iowa Democrat presidential caucus on Monday, calling the process a “train wreck.”
“Democrats are stewing in a caucus mess of their own creation with the sloppiest train wreck in history,” Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale wrote in a statement sent to reporters.
Iowa state Democrats struggled to verify the results of the caucus results on Monday working with a new tallying system.
Parscale scoffed at Democrats for screwing up the caucuses while their candidates were calling for government control of health care.
“It would be natural for people to doubt the fairness of the process,” Parscale wrote. “And these are the people who want to run our entire health care system?”
Republicans quickly concluded their caucus reporting system, publishing 100 percent of their caucus results publicly on a website.
“Tonight President Trump posted a record performance in the well-run GOP Iowa caucuses with a record turnout for an incumbent,” Parscale wrote.
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