Brain Damaged Hillary Clinton Too Sick & Unfit to Be President of the United Sates

Hillary Clinton’s health seems to be in rapid decline, and Hillary seems to be completely unfit to be President of the United States.

Hillary is a woman with some very serious health issues!!! Watch the video above, and you will see that Hillary can’t even get through one sentence without coughing up a lung, and even when she thinks she has it under control, she still can barely speak.

The American People DEMAND that Hillary Clinton allow members of Congress to review her medical records, just as nutless pussy John McCain allowed Democrats to browse through his medical records in 2008 after non-stop pressure from libtard “News” outlets.

  • Hillary Clinton has been falling again and again for no reason, other than terrible health.
  • Hillary Clinton received treatment for a blood clot on the brain after a fall she took in 2013.
  • Hillary Clinton often wears glasses that are designed for people with brain damage.
  • Hillary Clinton seems to have tongue cancer, and a strange hole has now appeared on her tongue. See image below.
  • Hillary Clinton has uncontrollable coughing fits on a daily basis.
  • Hillary Clinton has been having seizures on an regular basis, forcing her handlers to carry auto-injecto Diazepam pens.
  • Hillary Clinton has been freezing up in the middle of sentences, and seems to forget what she is saying, or even where she is.
  • Hillary Clinton even had to be helped up steps on many occasions, including during a campaign stop in South Carolina
  • Hillary Clinton has needed to be propped up while speaking on a number of occasions.
  • Hillary Clinton even admits that she has “Short Circuited” while speaking.
Hillary Clinton's Fake Teeth & Signs of Tongue Cancer

Hillary Clinton’s Fake Teeth & Signs of Tongue Cancer

In a recent campaign stop in a Union Hall in front of a sparse crowd, at about the time when some liberal protesters began to protest, Hillary Clinton suddenly froze. She looked dazed and lost. Seeing this, a group of men rushed to assist the candidate on the stage. One man however gently pats the candidate’s back and then says, “Keep Talking.”

As far as the cancer hole on Hillary’s tongue, I feel that this is just where the evil makes it’s way out of her body. The evil inside Hillary Clinton has got to find a way out one way or another, and I haven’t seen her head spin yet.. Ha!

The very same media outlets that have labeled questions about Hillary Clinton’s health “conspiracy theories” demanded repeatedly that Republican presidential candidate John McCain release his medical history back in 2008.

CNN reported on how McCain was forced to “give select members of the media a three-hour glimpse at his medical records” after intense speculation put him “under pressure to prove to the public that he is physically fit for office,” because he would have been the oldest president ever.

McCain had already released 1500 pages of medical records back in 1999.

However, despite Hillary being just two years younger than McCain was in 2008, CNN reported that those demanding the release of Clinton’s health history in 2016 were being “conspiratorial”. The network also bashed Matt Drudge for posting photos of Clinton being helped up steps during a campaign stop in South Carolina.

In addition, as the video above illustrates, numerous mainstream networks made doubts over John McCain’s health a central focus of the 2008 presidential campaign.

Those same networks have either completely ignored or brazenly dismissed the very same doubts about Hillary Clinton, despite Google searches for “Hillary’s health” going through the roof over the last week.

Google Trends search popularity for #HillarysHealth. This is why the establishment is panicking.

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) August 11, 2016

A Rasmussen poll released today also found that 59% of Americans would like to see the Clinton campaign release Hillary’s medical records.

Why are the same media outlets that relentlessly hounded John McCain about his health and speculated he was unfit for office now attempting to pooh-pooh the very same questions about Hillary Clinton?

Could this be part of a coordinated effort to cover-up of the fact that Hillary has seriously physical and psychological issues that would make her incapable of handling the most stressful job in the world?

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