#BoycotttYeti – Yeti Coolers really shot off their own dick with their brainless stunt of capitulating to pressure from anti gun nutjobs and pulling support for the NRA, now that a huge boycott of the company is gaining steam, and is sure to badly hurt the company’s future profits.

Boycott of Anti-2nd Amendment Yeti Cooler Company Quickly Expands – Yeti Company Cowardly Back-Peddles
I swear, when will the people and companies who rely on the patronage of conservatives ever learn that attacking us will only destroy all that they have worked for?
Probably never because these people are obviously stupid or crazy.
We’ve seen it time and time again in the entertainment industry, when stupid libtard douchebags come out with their tough statements against conservatives, and then their career takes an immediate nosedive into oblivion.
We also see it a lot with companies, run by brainless leftists, whose brains are probably packed with bong resin and cocaine, coming out and attacking conservatives or conservative causes/companies, and paying a very high price for doing so.
The latest one of these companies to shoot their dick off is the Yeti Cooler company, who came out and attacked the NRA, and by default all gun owners – kicking off a quickly growing boycott of Yeti Coolers.
It’s not like Yeti Coolers are the only option for those of us that want to keep their beer cold on the float trip. No, there are plenty of other options, and most aren’t the overpriced crap that Yeti is selling.
As soon as the shit started hitting the fan Yetti released a statement basically saying that the NRA was lying about why Yetti pulled their support away, and that they believe in the 2nd amendment, but this is just a tactic to try and quell the anger aimed at their crappy company.
Here is a response by the NRA to Yeti’s bullshit excuses.
YETI severed ties with the NRA and is now engaging in damage control after a backlash from many of its customers. In early March, YETI refused to place a previously negotiated order from NRA-ILA, citing “recent events” as the reason – a clear reference to the tragedy in Parkland, Florida. YETI then delivered notice to the NRA Foundation that it was terminating a 7-year agreement and demanded that the NRA remove the YETI name and logo from all NRA digital assets, as well as refrain from using any YETI trademarks in future print material. While YETI is trying to spin the story otherwise, those are the facts. While Yeti can choose to run from the NRA, they can’t run from the facts.
As far as I’m concerned, as well as many other Americans, Yeti is dead – and I’d recommend buying a great RTIC cooler for less money, which will keep your beer just as cold.
There are bad ideas, and there are really bad ideas. Yeti coolers cutting ties with the NRA is one of the latter.
On Sunday, Yeti decided they would no longer sell their products to the NRA. According to the NRA, Yeti offered no reason why this move happened.
From The NRA Foundation:
“Suddenly, without prior notice, YETI has declined to do business with The NRA Foundation saying they no longer wish to be an NRA vendor, and refused to say why. They will only say they will no longer sell products to The NRA Foundation. That certainly isn’t sportsmanlike. In fact, YETI should be ashamed. They have declined to continue helping America’s young people enjoy outdoor recreational activities. These activities enable them to appreciate America and enjoy our natural resources with wholesome and healthy outdoor recreational and educational programs.”
I can’t begin to tell you how bad of a move this is for Yeti, and I’m surprised Yeti didn’t throw the idea — as well as the man or woman who had it — out of the boardroom the moment it was brought up.
Yeti is what’s known as a lifestyle brand. People pay exorbitant amounts of money for their products because having a Yeti cup not only fits in with their lifestyle, but it says something about them. Something along the lines of “I lead a more rugged lifestyle and I need a product that can keep up with me.”
The fact here is that people who buy Yeti products tend to be outdoor types. Hunters, fisherman, sportsman, construction workers, etc. The punchline is that Yeti coolers were primarily bought by people who tend to appreciate a middle American lifestyle, and middle America loves guns.
The punchline to this bad joke of a decision is that by rejecting the NRA, Yeti essentially turned its nose up to the idea of the gun rights the NRA heavily promotes and defends. Many in middle America tend to look at the NRA as a heavily defended wall that keeps the gun control wolves in the hills.
And Yeti, without rhyme or reason, turned its back on it. That’s not going to sit well with Americans.
Gun control is a losing issue for anyone who gets too close to it. Yes, there are those who would be so absurd as to strip all gun rights away from the populace thinking it will solve our problems — you can ask London how well that’s working — but for the most part, America wants to keep its gun rights right where they are. This was Yeti’s customer base.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org