Uh Oh!!! New domestic violence allegations against Democrat liar Keith Ellison are now coming to light which appear to show Ellison as a serial abuser of women with physical abuse, abuse of power and intimidation, apparently including cheating on his wife at the time.

BOOM! New Domestic Violence Allegations Against Democrat Keith Ellison Come To Light from 2006 – Swept Under Rug Until Now
Minnesota Democrat activist Amy L. Alexander is now telling her story about the abuse she also endured from Democrat loser antisemite abuser Keith Ellison, and has the police 911 records to back it up.
“In May, Keith wanted to try and quiet me so he came to my home uninvited. We had words. His anger kicked in. He berated me. He grabbed me and pushed me out of the way. I was terrified. I called the police. As he fled he broke my screen door. I have never been so scared.”
Now that the dam of allegations has been breached, I would bet just about anything that more abuse & intimidation accusations will now start to come out against Keith Ellison.
Things aren’t looking good for Democrat (alleged) woman abuser Keith Ellison, and it’s only going to get worse from here.
Ellison is usually the one hurling accusations against others (usually Republicans.) The new allegations, however, brought to light a 2006 accusation from another woman that was mostly ignored during Ellison’s first election to Congress — and has nearly vanished from mention on the internet.
“I regret that like many, I too was duped by Keith Ellison’s considerable charm,” Minnesota Democrat activist Amy L. Alexander wrote in the Wright County Republican back in October of 2006. “I was seduced by the idea of what I thought he represented. As a perennial (Democratic-Farmer-Labor) activist from the north side of Minneapolis I worked for and with Ellison on a number of issues and community boards.”
Ellison eventually filed a harassment restraining order against Alexander, which is why she felt she needed to set the record straight on their relationship. She said that she had given in to his numerous romantic advances because she believed it would be good for her career. Then, she said, their “hot and cold romance devolved into a love/ hate showdown by spring of 1994. Keith belittled me about my weight and constantly criticized my every word and action. He ostracized me from the community on whose behalf I had worked so hard to advocate. Feeling exiled I escaped to New York for the next five years.”
By 2004, Alexander had returned to Minnesota and the relationship reignited, leading to an alleged incident of abuse when things fell apart in 2005.
“In May, Keith wanted to try and quiet me so he came to my home uninvited,” Alexander wrote. “We had words. His anger kicked in. He berated me. He grabbed me and pushed me out of the way. I was terrified. I called the police. As he fled he broke my screen door. I have never been so scared.”
And then, when Ellison ran for Congress, he tried to intimidate her into staying quiet, even with the restraining order.
“I obeyed the restraining order without exception. It was Keith’s friend and attorney who called me the day after the 2006 DFL endorsement convention to arrange a meeting,” she recalled.
“We met at The Modern Café. He offered me release from Keith’s restraining order if I either promised to shut up about our affairs or came out publicly in support of Keith’s candidacy for Congress. I refused. I asked them repeatedly to leave me alone. He called me again in July with the same offer. I reported that incident to police and the cops agreed to let the attorney know to leave me alone.”
Ellison, it must be noted, was married during this time, although that’s the least disturbing element of it all. Yet, in spite of the fact that this was a clear accusation of physical abuse, abuse of power and intimidation, none of the major news outlets really picked this one up.
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