Hillary Clinton supports the decimation of the black communities due to government sponsored baby murder of black babies, and is taking a lot of heat from black leaders.

Black Christian Leaders Attack Hillary Clinton’s Support For ‘Terrifying Rates’ Of Killing Black Babies
Democrats LOVE murdering their babies. This is an undeniable fact. But what Democrats love doing the most is murdering BLACK babies – especially using the especially cruel and disgusting practice of partial birth abortion, which give these sick ass liberals more of a thrill when the baby is carried to term, and then murdered just days or hours before being born naturally.
Now many black Christian clergy and intellectuals are attacking Hillary Clinton over her support of murdering black babies at a FAR higher rate than any other race or group.
Black people are only 13% of the population, but make up about 40% of the abortions in America. That seems shocking until you read what Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger said about killing black babies, at which point it makes perfect sense, and is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do – which is weed out black people from American society by killing them before they are born.
“Colored people are like weeds, reckless breeders, spawning human beings who never should have been born and are to be exterminated.” – Racist Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
Why do you think that 78% of Planned Parenthood baby murder mills are in minority communities? Um.. to try and catch more of their intended victims? Sure!
Read more about Black Genocide here
In an “open letter” to Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, a group of leading black Christian clergy and intellectuals are denouncing Clinton’s complicity in America’s abortion crisis, which it says has had a “catastrophic impact” on the black community.
The 26 prominent black Christian leaders, including eight African American bishops, assailed Clinton for what they call her “unconscionable silence in the face of such destruction of innocent black life,” through her vigorous support of the U.S. abortion industry.
“Black babies are dying at terrifying rates,” states the letter, a copy of which was sent to Breitbart News. “Don’t black lives matter?”
On Monday afternoon, Dr. Jacqueline C. Rivers presented “An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton Regarding Religious Freedom for Black America” to Clinton Campaign Headquarters in Brooklyn, requesting a meeting with Clinton to discuss several critical issues in the black community, including “justice for the unborn.”
“Secretary Clinton, we are also very concerned about your position regarding unborn children and the black church’s commitment to defend them,” the letter declares. Two weeks ago, Clinton reiterated her unflagging defense of abortion-on-demand and Planned Parenthood.
“I will defend Roe v. Wade,” she said, “and I will defend women’s rights to make their own healthcare decisions.”
In their letter, the leaders noted that the rate of abortion among blacks is far higher than among whites, with “365 black babies aborted for every 1,000 that are born.”
“Blacks account for roughly 38% of all abortions in the country though we represent only 13% of the population,” they said, citing statistics that have led black Christian leaders to speak of a “black genocide” occurring at the hands of abortionists.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org