Bill & Hillary Clinton Used Unpaid Black Slave Labor Workers At Arkansas Governor’s Mansion

WOW!!! Democrat slavery lives! Bill & Hillary Clinton actually had their own personal “house slaves” at the Arkansas governor’s mansion, while Bill was governor.

Bill & Hillary Clinton Used Unpaid Black Slave Labor Workers At Arkansas Governor’s Mansion

Bill & Hillary Clinton Used Unpaid Black Slave Labor Workers At Arkansas Governor’s Mansion

An excerpt from Hillary Clinton’s own book “It Takes A Village” says that Bill & Hillary Clinton used slave labor of “African American men in their thirties who had already served twelve to eighteen years of their sentences”.

So, Bill & Hillary Clinton continued the long-standing Democrat legacy and history of slavery and racism in the south by forcing black men to work, like slaves, without pay, on the grounds of the Arkansas governor’s mansion. These inmates were treated like Bill & Hillary Clinton’s personal house slaves, and the Clintons should be ashamed of keeping the Democrat tradition of owning slaves alive and well in the Democrat party..

An excerpt from Hillary Clinton’s famous 1996 book “It Takes A Village” has been circulating online and courting controversy for its depiction of prison inmates working at the Arkansas governor’s mansion.

Posted by activist Jeanette Jing, the first-person passage describes how Clinton “enforced rules strictly and sent back to prison any inmate who broke a rule.” The inmates, who Clinton said were typically “African American men in their thirties who had already served twelve to eighteen years of their sentences,” worked on the grounds without compensation.

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