Biden & Harris Show Opposite Dance Moves At Juneteenth Concert And Both Are VERY Creepy

I’m not sure which is more creepy… Senile dementia-riddled mush-brain Joe Biden standing as still as a fucking stone statue, while everyone else around him is dancing, or the fucking weird dancing of Blowjob Queen In Chief Kamala Harris. Both people are equally creepy in this clip which seems to be more like a scene from the movie Weekend at Bernie’s.

Biden looks like he is wired on all kinds of drugs to keep him alert, and it looks like Biden probably shit his pants again, and can’t move yet without fear of dropping the whole load in his diaper.

I have noticed though that Poopy-Pants Biden is NEVER by himself – ever. There is always someone within an arms length away to help make Biden’s actions look normal. Like the black guy next to Biden in this video. Biden had no thought of fist bumping the guy, and was just doing some weird hand clenching thing, when the black guy noticed, and did the fist bump to make it look semi-normal.

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