Ben Shapiro Uses Pesky Facts to DESTROY Libtard Lies of Black Income Inequality, Racism & Black Lives Matter

Ben Shapiro, one of the smartest & sharpest minds in the media today, uses some pesky facts to completely DESTROY the liberal lies of black income inequality, racism, and the so-called “Black Lives Matter” movement.


Watch the two black libtard idiots who were there to contradict Ben Shapiro. The stupid loser bitch in the video could only roll her eyes and shake her head, but didn’t have any argument in response, because she knew he was right.

The black man and woman were badly out-classed by Shapiro, and probably felt like a bunch of mental midgets in his presence. They couldn’t say anything in response to the facts given by Shapiro because they were either too stupid, or knew in their hearts that the facts that Ben Shapiro used are the complete truth.

Unfortunately, Democrat losers and racist blacks will never see the truth though, because to libtard Democrats, facts are racist.

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