The “Baby Murderer In Chief”, Obama, and the rest of the abortion-loving nut-job losers love having abortions so much that they get pregnant just to have the opportunity to murder another baby.

Partial Birth Abortion-Loving Obama Gives Planned Parenthood Criminal Organization Over $1 Million in Grants
Now the criminally-corrupt Obama administration is giving the world’s biggest organization of serial killers, Planned Parenthood, more than a million dollars of taxpayer money, despite the 9 or 10 videos that show that Planned Parenthood is a criminal organization that sells the body parts of the babies they murder, which is a felony.
Conservatives that are just sitting back and not doing anything about the crimes of Planned Parenthood are on notice.
To all of the corrupt pussy politicians: You need to de-fund Planned Parenthood, and soon, or you will lose your job. Period!
On Wednesday, the Obama administration gave more than $1 million in grants to Planned Parenthood to help promote Obamacare.
Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) blasted the White House’s decision as “unconscionable” in light of allegations of illegal activity in the health provider’s fetal tissue program, which has prompted key Republicans to call for a total defunding of the organization.
“A growing body of evidence suggests that Planned Parenthood broke federal law and now the Obama administration is thumbing its nose at Congress and taxpayers by using this backdoor maneuver to boost funding for the scandal-ridden abortion giant,” Black wrote in a statement Wednesday.
Black is the author of three different bills to defund Planned Parenthood.
The administration announced $170 million in grants to groups that will promote Obamacare, including three Planned Parenthood affiliates in Iowa, Missouri and Montana.
Sign-ups for the beleaguered Obamacare have been “driven” by outside groups.
“This year’s Navigator grantees will help expand access to local help in many states,” the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services wrote in a statement.
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