WWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!! Crooked fat-ass Cook County State’s Attorney criminal Kim Foxx has bowed to the Democrats and the libtard fake news media and actually dropped all of the 16 felony charges brought against fake hate crime hoaxer scumbag loser Justin “Jussie” Smollett!


“Do I think justice was served? No… I think this city is still owed an apology.” – Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie T. Johnson

It’s pretty fucking crazy that anyone would think that they could just dismiss 16 felony charges against a horrible criminal, like Justin “Jussie” Smollett, and get away with it – especially when they know the fury that swept America after the fake race hate crime was committed by Smollett and his co-conspirators.

‘Without a doubt this is a whitewash of justice and sends a clear message that if you are in a position of influence and power, you’ll be treated one way. It is wrong,’ – Illinois Mayor Rahm Emanuel

If these 16 felony charges cannot be re-instated, then I just hope the FBI does their job, for once, and throws the book at the disgusting worthless piece of shit liar Justin Smollett for his mail fraud, and that Smollett is made to spend a very long time in prison for his crimes.

The Police Union and the American People DEMAND that the feds investigate Crooked Cook County State’s Attorney criminal Kim Foxx, and determine whether Foxx broke the law – we think that she did!

Disgusting racist tub o’ goo Kim Foxx should be fully investigated and held accountable for her crimes, because that stupid crooked whore is dirty as hell, and the American People deserve to know what kind of criminal skank hooker they have working as Cook County State’s Attorney.

We hope that there is a way to reinstate the felony charges against worthless criminal piece of trash Justin Smollett, and if not, we hope they add prison time to the sentence Smollett will likely receive from the FBI investigation into Smollett’s mail fraud, from when he sent ghimself a fake racist hoax letter, filled with a white powder disguised to look like the deadly poison Anthrax.

The most funny part of this is Justin “Jussie” Smollett’s laughable bullshit statement after he was saved by his powerful & racist black friends.

NOBODY BELIEVES YOU! Too bad for Justin that nobody (other than maybe his family) believes one fucking word that has come out of worthless dumbfuck loser hate crime hoaxer Justin “Jussie” Smollett’s mouth. Smollett is a racist liar of the worst kind, and deserves to never be allowed to live down the reaction to his horrible and disgusting racist crimes!

Justin Smollett is a total fucking loser criminal piece of shit who should never again be offered employment by any company who cares about their sales or image, because being associated with Justin “Jussie” Smollett will destroy both.

Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel has torn through Jussie Smollett and slammed the decision to drop all charges against him as a ‘whitewash of justice’ that has only been allowed to happen because he is famous.

Speaking at a press conference with the equally enraged Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie T. Johnson, Emanuel insisted repeatedly that Smollett was guilty of staging a hoax attack on January 29 and that he did it for a raise.

He said prosecutor Joe Magats’ decision to drop the charges proved that there was ‘one set of rules for the powerful and influential’ and that it was ‘totally wrong.’

The pair were blindsided by the announcement which they learned of while attending a police academy graduation ceremony.

‘Without a doubt this is a whitewash of justice and sends a clear message that if you are in a position of influence and power, you’ll be treated one way. It is wrong,’ Mayor Emanuel said.

He went on to condemn Smollett for speaking out after the court hearing and protesting his innocence.

‘Mr. Smollett is still saying that he is innocent, still running down the Chicago Police Department… how dare him. How dare him after everybody saw.

‘Is there no decency in this man?’

Johnson, who publicly condemned Smollett last month and said his lies were ‘despicable’, also slammed the star for asking that the evidence be sealed.

‘I would want my day in court to clear my name. They wanted their day in court with TV cameras,’ he said, referring to Smollett’s team’s eagerness to allow cameras in the courtroom.

‘[Now] they chose to hide behind secrecy,’ he said.

Smollett was indicted on 16 felony counts that were returned by a grand jury which Emanuel said it proved that it was not just the police department which thought he was guilty.

‘This is not the superintendent’s word against his. The grand jury saw a sliver of the evidence and they came to a conclusion,’ he said, adding that the judge’s decision to grant Smollett’s attorneys’ request to have all the evidence sealed meant that the truth would never come out.

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