“All (Blacks) Look Alike” – Trainwreck Hillary Clinton Makes Horribly Racist Statement During Interview

“All (Blacks) Look Alike”? Hillary Clinton is a total fucking trainwreck! I think she definitely should run for President again, and the Republicans would tear that disgusting criminal to shreds in the election, worse than anything ever seen.

Hillary Clinton is so corrupt, stupid and racist that actually she thinks it’s OK to make a horribly racist and stupid statement during an interview that “all (blacks) look the same”.

The interviewer made a mistake, confusing Democrat criminal former AG Eric Holder, and admitted sexual abusing Democrat Corey Booker, which Hillary quickly forgave, because Hillary Clinton apparently can’t tell black people apart and thinks that “All Blacks Look The Same”.

I mean how fucking stupid can you be? This lady obviously has some very serious mental and physical problems that she cannot control, and that really sucks for her, but Hillary Clinton should go get some help, and leave the rest of us out of her craziness.

Hillary Clinton laughed at a white interviewer for confusing two prominent black Democrats and quipped, “I know they all look alike.”

The cringe-worthy comment came during an interview with Recode’s Kara Swisher at a conference over the weekend. Swisher confused Senator Cory Booker and former Attorney General Eric Holder during the interview. Both prominent Democrats are black men. Hillary corrected the interviewer mistaking Booker for Holder, saying, “I know they all look alike.”

The audience gasped and laughed at the comment, as did Hillary herself.

Later in the interview, Hillary conceded, “Well, I’d like to be president,” before saying she might consider running again.

“I’m not even going to even think about it until we get through this Nov. 6 election, about what’s going to happen after that, but I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure we have a Democrat in the White House come January of 2021,” Hillary said.

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