WOW!!! We knew there were some huge problems with Boy Scouts of America, but new info shows that the Boy Scouts allowed disgusting sex criminals to return to the scouting organization, working with kids while back in a position of authority, even after it was known that the people were sexual predators.

Christian Alternative to Boy Scouts, Trail Life USA, Growing Quickly After Backlash Over Gay Members
We pretty much knew this type of situation would come up, and have even written about the many problems with Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts on many occasions.
- Morally Bankrupt Boy Scouts: Cub Scout Leaders Take Scout Pack On Hike To Nude Beach
- Girl Scouts of America Is a Dangerous Liberal Organization Which Brainwashes Young Girls
- Christian Alternative to Boy Scouts, Trail Life USA, Growing Quickly After Backlash Over Gay Members
- Girl Scouts Unhappy Over Planned Parenthood Abortion Support Backlash – Threatens Website Using Logo
- Christian Alternative to Abortion-Supporting Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls Dedicated to God, Family, Community, Country
- Boycott of Girl Scouts Over Ties to Baby Murdering Planned Parenthood Quickly Gaining Steam
- New Scouting Opportunities Arise As Last Nail Driven into Coffin of Boy Scouts of America
- Boy Scouts of America in Death Spiral After Discriminating Against Overweight Members and Accepting Gays
Personally, I used to love the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and thought the organizations were great for the youth of America, but now I feel just the opposite, and I would never dream of allowing a child of mine to be the next molestation victim of some gay Boy Scout leader who the Scouting organization KNEW was a sexual predator, but just ignored as more victims piled up.
Despite an earlier denial to Congress, the Boy Scouts of America have now admitted that sexual predators were allowed to return to scouting “decades ago” even after “credible accusations of sexual abuse.”
In a new letter to Congress, Michael B. Surbaugh, chief Scout executive, said he was “incorrect” in an earlier letter denying that leaders suspected of abuse were allowed to return to scouting.
“When I sent my response to your November 20, 2018 letter, I believed in good faith, and with deeply felt conviction, that BSA would never have knowingly allowed a sexual predator to work with youth,” he wrote in a May 28 letter to California Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., who is leading a probe into Boy Scout abuse claims.
Since then, however, Boy Scouts records dating back 100 years were released and showed that 12,254 children were allegedly abused by 7,819 Scout leaders.
In his new letter, Surbaugh acknowledged that report.
“Since then, I have learned that my response was incorrect,” he wrote in the letter provided to Secrets and confirmed by the Boy Scouts of America. It is shown below.
“I have reviewed information that now makes clear to me that decades ago BSA did, in at least some instances, allow individuals to return to Scouting even after credible accusations of sexual abuse. I am devastated that this ever occurred. On behalf of BSA, I sincerely apologize to the individuals affected by this practice,” added Surbaugh.
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