Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe Under U.S. Special Counsel Investigation After Violating the Hatch Act

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe is continuing James Comey’s history of being a hypocritical politicized piece of shit criminal who forces others to follow the law, but ignores the law when doing so benefits them or their family.

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe Under U.S. Special Counsel Investigation After Violating the Hatch Act

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe Under U.S. Special Counsel Investigation After Violating the Hatch Act

We already have the piece of shit criminal leaker James Comey, who may already be under investigation for perjury and leaking privileged information to the media, and now we have an acting FBI director who can’t follow the law either, and has been busted red-handed campaigning for his wife, in a direct violation of the Hatch Act.

The Hatch Act prohibits FBI employees from engaging “in political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group.”

Shit! Can we get someone – anyone – to lead the FBI who is not a piece of shit libtard criminal?

Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe is being investigated by the Office of U.S. Special Counsel for violating The Hatch Act that prohibits FBI agents from campaigning in partisan races.

The Office of U.S. Special Counsel, the government’s main whistleblower agency, is investigating whether FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s activities supporting his wife Jill’s Democratic campaign for Virginia state senate in 2015 violated the Hatch Act’s prohibition against FBI agents campaigning in partisan races.

The agency’s probe was prompted by a complaint in April from a former FBI agent who forwarded social media photos showing McCabe wearing a T-shirt supporting his wife’s campaign during a public event and then posting a photo on social media urging voters to join him in voting for his wife.

“I am voting for Jill because she is the best wife ever,” McCabe put on a sign that he photographed himself holding. The photo was posted on her social media page a few days before the election, in response to Dr. Jill McCabe’s plea to “help me win” by posting photos expressing reasons why voters should vote for her, according to the complaint.

Other social media photos in the complaint showed McCabe’s minor daughter campaigning with her mother, wearing an FBI shirt, and McCabe voting with his wife at a polling station.

The Hatch Act prohibits FBI employees from engaging “in political activity in concert with a political party, a candidate for partisan political office, or a partisan political group.”

It defines prohibited political activity as “any activity directed at the success or failure of a partisan group or candidate in a partisan election.”

An ethics expert told Circa the photos raised legitimate questions about McCabe’s compliance with the law.

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