Accused Democrat Ellison Says No Similarities Between Allegations Against Him & Judge Kavanaugh – Yea, Kavanaugh Allegations Are False

HaHaHa!! Accused Democrat woman abuser Keith Ellison says that there are “no similarities” between the abuse allegations against him and Judge Kavanaugh, and the funny thing is that would have to agree with Ellison on that.

There really are very few similarities between the abuse allegations against Democrat Keith Ellison and SCOTUS nominee Judge Kavanaugh – BECAUSE THE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST JUDGE KAVANAUGH ARE 36 YEARS OLD AND FAKE.

We 100% believe the very recent and credible “emotional and physical abuse” allegations by Keith Ellison’s x-girlfriend, Karen Monahan, and Monahan actually has evidence like police reports and medical evidence to back up her very serious and shocking claims against Ellison.

Ellison claims that there was an “independent investigation” of the abuse allegations against him, but that was a sham “investigation” designed to absolve Ellison of wrongdoing. Then the Democrats announce that they will have the local authorities investigate the abuse claims against Ellison, knowing that the local police would be easy to buy off, and his crimes would never be truly investigated.

IF Keith Ellison and the Democrats actually wanted to investigate Karen Monahan credible abuse allegations against Keith Ellison, they would have asked the FBI to investigate the claims.

As the Democrats claimed about Judge Kavanaugh, “Innocent people don’t have a problem asking the FBI to investigate the claims against them”, and since Ellison and the Democrats have done everything they can to keep the case out of the hands of the FBI, that Ellison and the Democrats obviously don’t want the truth to come out.

We also don’t feel that Keith Ellison has the temperament needed to be a contributing member of Congress.

On Wednesday’s “WCCO Morning News with David Lee,” Representative, DNC Deputy Chair, and Minnesota Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison (D-MN) stated that “there are no similarities” between the accusations against him and the accusations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and every case should “be evaluated on its own facts.”

Ellison said he called for a House Ethics Committee investigation “Because I want to be transparent. I want to — I have — I want to be cooperative. I mean, I didn’t do these things that my ex-girlfriend accused me of.”

He added that an independent investigation paid for by the DFL found the allegations “unsubstantiated.”

Later, Lee asked Ellison if he sees “similarities between you and Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings?”

Ellison responded, “Absolutely not. There’s — there are no similarities. Every case is separate, different. Every case has its own facts. Every case needs to be evaluated on its own facts. And, you know, for people to try to mix this situation and that one are — they’re just making a mistake, because — or they’re — or they have political motives in doing so.”

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