Abortion providers are unhappy that, after 40 years of fighting against a group of liberals who will do anything to protect their right to murder their babies any time and for any reason they wish, the pro-life movement has started to get some traction in the past few years.
New rules are causing problems for abortion clinics frequented by liberals and Democrats, and more than 200 laws that have been passed across the country in the past few years.
One new rule that is giving the abortion providers fits is the ruling that abortion providers must adhere to the same safety standards as other medical facilities. It has been shown that most baby murder mills are dirty, disgusting, horrific places, but why wouldn’t a medical facility that murders babies be held to the same standard as other medical facilities?
We say shut down all of the baby murdering houses of horror.
A Christian obstetrician practicing in Washington, D.C. says he once refused to perform abortions, but about ten years into his career, he changed his mind. Now, he is willing to perform late-term abortions, even at 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Authors of a pro-abortion article at blog.nj.com by Star-Ledger staff are concerned that Dr. Willie J. Parker will no longer be among the “11 percent of all abortion providers who will do the procedure that late in the second trimester.”
“Some people are determined to stop him,” the authors of the article complain. “Congress is considering a ban on all abortions after 20 weeks in the district, which would affect Parker directly.”
Obviously upset with the recent success of the pro-life movement, the authors cite a record number of new restrictions on abortions over the past year, including bans on late-term abortions, and laws requiring abortion clinics to meet the same health and safety standards as other medical facilities.
In his interview with Julie O’Connor, Parker said that, while he grew up believing that abortion is wrong, once he became an OB/GYN, he saw “the dilemmas women found themselves in,” and found he could not “weigh the life of a pre-viable or lethally flawed fetus equally with the life of the woman sitting before me.”
Parker said he came to a “deeper understanding” of his spirituality after listening to a sermon by Dr. Martin Luther King, who spoke about the good Samaritan as a man who focused on what would happen to the traveler if he never stopped to help him.
“I became more concerned about what would happen to these women if I, as an obstetrician, did not help them,” Parker said.
Parker went on to say that women in their second trimester of pregnancy often need an abortion the most because “they lack access to health care or don’t have an understanding of their body changes, and often figure out later that they’re pregnant.”
These women, he said, “are trapped in poverty, often women of color or poor socioeconomic backgrounds, less education, and women and girls at the extremes of reproductive age.”
Parker said that “compelling” reasons for late-term abortion are developmental abnormality, rape, and incest. However, he urges that abortion be considered as part of normal “reproductive health care and a basic human right.”
Citing the long distances some women have to travel to reach an abortion provider, Parker said laws that require waiting limits and notifications “further distort the reality of women’s access to abortion care.”
Parker believes the decision about having an abortion should focus on the woman, not the unborn child.
He stated that limitations on abortion create “a duty and obligation for a woman to make her decision in a time frame acceptable to people other than herself.”
Parker asserts that there is no scientific information to support restrictions on late-term abortions, and claims there is no evidence that unborn babies can feel pain prior to the 25th week of pregnancy, a direct contradiction to the fetal pain research that led to the passage of the U.S. House’s 20-week abortion ban and comparable bans in many states.
A similar article at the Telegraph refers to a woman’s “right to choose” as “America’s new frontline.”
Peter Foster writes in Texas that pro-abortion activists bemoan the fact that those believing abortion is murder are now on the winning side of the argument after 40 years since the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. Pro-choice groups claim legislation that requires abortion clinics to have the same safety standards as other medical facilities is not really going to help women because, ultimately, women want abortions.
Dr. Bernard Rosenfeld, a 71 year-old abortionist who runs Houston Women’s Clinic said his clinic cannot meet the new health and safety standards passed in Texas.
Referring to pro-life activists as “religious extremists,” Rosenfeld said it would cost him about $3.8 million, not including land and machines, to build a new abortion facility.
“In practice, we would be finished,” he said.
Rosenfeld mocks the polls that show 65 percent of Texans are against abortion.
“What they mean is that they are against other people having abortions,” he quipped. “As soon as their young daughters get pregnant, they change their minds.”
“Otherwise America would be full of Christian babies being put up for adoption, but it’s not,” Rosenfeld argues. “I run a gynaecological clinic and I have hundreds of patients who want to adopt babies, but can’t. They have to go to Russia to adopt. It’s a hundred per cent hypocrisy.”
As more abortion restrictions have been passed, the liberal press is publishing an increasing number of articles depicting the pro-life movement as uncaring and unfeeling toward women who are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain an abortion.
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America (SFLA), told Breitbart News that she expects to see many “news” articles like these in the coming years.
“Pro-abortion journalists trying to sound the alarm to the millions they believe are on their side, so they can fight for legal abortion,” she said. “Regrettably for them, the majority of America is pro-life and sees the more than 200 laws that have been passed across the country as common sense.”
“I found it sickening that abortionist Bernard Rosenfeld, a man who snuffs out life every day at his Houston facility, went on to comment about a lack of children waiting for adoption as proof that his ‘services’ are needed,” Hawkins added. “Even a freshman in Logic 101 can see through that fallacy.”
Left-wing organizations admit they have been complacent about their long-protected access to legal abortion.
“This feels like an overnight success, but it was 20 years in the planning,” said Poppy Northcutt, president of the Texas chapter of the National Organisation for Women, about the explosion of more than 200 abortion-related measures passed in 30 state legislatures over the last three years.
“They worked like termites, undermining the foundation of a building, and by the time it came crumbling down, it was too late to stop it,” Northcutt acknowledged.
Hawkins agrees.
“When it comes to fighting for the lives of women and the pre-born, being called a ‘termite’ is an honor,’” she said.
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