Race Huckster Al Sharpton’s disgusting skank daughter, Dominique Sharpton, is suing New York City’s departments of Transportation and Environmental Protection for $5 million, after she claims to have tripped, which is probably a lie.

Al Sharpton’s Disgusting Skank Daughter Sues NYC for $5 Mil In Questionable “Fall” – Then Climbs Mountain
Her lawsuit claims that the supposed fall “loss of quality of life, future pain and suffering, future medical bills, and future diminution of income.”, but in reality the supposed fall and the lawsuit all seems to be just another big scam to steal money from the American People.
Al Sharpton and Dominique Sharpton – Like Father, Like Daughter – Greedy and corrupt criminals who only know how to scam the American People to fill their own pockets.
Only two months after the accident that she claims is worth $5 mil, she participated in her father’s so-called “Justice For All” march, and even more recently took a hike up a mountain in Bali, and posted:
“We hiked UP the mountain, over the clouds… into the SUNRISE… One of the most beautiful sites ever. And YES I ALMOST DIED GETTING UP THERE LOL #Balidays we made it, WHEW.”
Sorry, but people who have permanent damage to their leg worth $5 mil do not take hikes up mountains. That is unless they are lying, and there is nothing wrong with their leg, as I suppose the case is with skanky fatass Dominique Sharpton.
This disgusting skank, Dominique Sharpton, should definitely lose her fake and frivolous lawsuit, and Dominique Sharpton should also be forced to pay the legal fees and costs it required for New York to defend itself.
For Al Sharpton to claim that he didn’t know his skank daughter was filing a lawsuit against the city of New York for $5 million, is completely unbelievable!
Al Sharpton definitely knew about the lawsuit, and I’m sure even helped get the ball rolling.
Dominique Sharpton, daughter of self-proclaimed civil right activist Al Sharpton, is suing New York City’s departments of Transportation and Environmental Protection for the hefty sum of $5 million after she tripped and sprained her ankle on an uneven stretch of asphalt in a crosswalk last fall.
According to the New York Post, Dominique, who serves as membership director for her father’s National Action Network, claims that she was “severely injured, bruised and wounded” by her fall at the corner of Broadway and Broome Street last October, and that she “still suffers and will continue to suffer for some time physical pain and bodily injuries.”
Court documents state that the requested $5 million payout from NYC taxpayers will cover “loss of quality of life, future pain and suffering, future medical bills, [and] future diminution of income.”
But Dominique’s antics since the accident suggest the damage to her ankle may not be quite so extensive. The Post reports that in December, two months after the accident, she participated in the National Action Network’s Justice For All march, took a New Year’s Eve trip to Miami Beach, and was pictured on social media wearing heels and standing atop a ladder decorating a Christmas tree.
Dominique herself provided more recent evidence of her recovery. The activist is currently on vacation in Bali where she posted a photo of herself on Instagram with the caption “We hiked UP the mountain, over the clouds… into the SUNRISE… One of the most beautiful sites ever. And YES I ALMOST DIED GETTING UP THERE LOL #Balidays we made it, WHEW.” The image shows Dominique and a friend high up in the mountains surrounded by clouds. Other vacation photos show her sightseeing and document her luxe accommodations.
Interestingly, Al Sharpton, Dominique’s father, claimed no knowledge of the lawsuit, stating “She’s 29 years old. Why would she have to talk to me about that?” Considering the senior Sharpton’s reported $4.5 million debt in unpaid taxes, he might want to take some notes.
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