We think it is 100% true that Obama’s support of undocumented illegal immigrants and their terrorist friends invites a new terrorist attack that will be far worse than 9/11.
As we have said for years, the Obama administration’s intentional weakening of our border security has allowed terrorists into the country and DEFINITELY WILL cause the United States to be attacked again by terrorists in the very near future – an attack that will undoubtedly make 9/11 look tame.
Now others are starting to take heed of our warnings that Obama’s lax to non-existent border security actually lends support to the terrorist sleeper cells that have had years to setup shop in the United States and plan their next terror attack on America.
When The United States gets attacked again, the terrorist-friendly Democrats will try and blame Republicans for the attack, when we will know that the attack has its roots in the Obama administration.
President Barack Obama’s lax immigration policies are inviting another massive jihad attack similar to the 9/11 atrocity, says Kenneth Palinkas, president of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services employees’ union.
Obama’s deputies are “lessening the vetting of each and every alien who applies for permanent residency or citizenship in the U.S.,” Palinkas said in a statement Tuesday.
“By not scrutinizing each and every applicant to the fullest extent possible to ensure America’s security, we invite an even more catastrophic event than what occurred on 09/11/2001,” he said.
Obama’s rollback of security checks means that “it is more than likely that any attack from terrorists will come from within the borders of the U.S., and it is further likely that ISIS or Al Qaeda would try to launch these attacks by obtaining a visa or working with elements already here on visas,” he said.
Numerous legal immigrants have launched, or tried to launch, jihad attacks in the United States.
In April 2013, for example, two ethnic Chechen Muslim refugees detonated bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three victims. They also killed a cop as they fled.
This month, three more migrants were arrested in Brooklyn for planning jihad attacks in the United States.
“Our current immigration system leaves us vulnerable to terrorist threats and terrorism in general by providing entry avenues for people sworn to destroy America… We must remain diligent and not continue lessening our guard against extremists who seek to destroy this nation,” Palinkas said.
“We must not govern based on politically correct clichés about relaxed immigration that only serve to weaken the country.”
The statement was released shortly before Sen. Jeff Sessions held his first hearing on immigration issues at the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest on Tuesday.
Sessions is a major advocate for reduced immigration, and was recently bumped from the top slot in the Senate’s budget committee.
The hearing is about the administration’s management of the USCIS agency.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org