It’s completely unbelievable that Wendy Davis, the number one supporter of legalized baby murder, is giving away free babies’ onesies for a contribution to her campaign. This is the same disgusting liberal pro-abortion skank who stood for hours speaking about the benefits of killing your babies.
Most liberals don’t have kids, they kill them. They have a baby murderer snip the baby’s spinal cord to kill it, or scramble it’s brains and then suck them out with a vacuum.
But IF for some reason you didn’t murder your own babies, which I know is few and far between for liberals, then give a donation and get a onesie for that mistake, otherwise called a Baby.
Maybe Wendy Davis should go have her own spinal cord snipped with scissors, and have her own brain sucked out of her head, to put herself out of our misery.
For a contribution of $20, you can own a “Wendy Davis for Governor” onesie. The onesie is available on Wendy Davis’s campaign store.
The description of the onesie states: “Let everyone know that you’re raising the next generation of Texas Democrats with this Wendy Davis onesie. Union made in the USA.”
You can also choose a size for the appropriate age from 3-6 month year-old, 6-12 months, 12-18 months and 18-24 months.
Wendy Davis was propelled into the national spotlight by filibustering for 11 hours against a bill restricting abortion access.
She now faces Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott in the general election for Texas governor.
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