Bill Godair, a so-called “reverend” of North Carolina’s Cornerstone Church, was caught speeding in his Hummer SUV, and now he is lying about the encounter with the police.

Reverend of NC Cornerstone Church Bill Godair Falsely Claims Mitreatment by Salisbury Officer – Police Video Proves So-Called Reverend Lied
After receiving a ticket for speeding 58 mph in a 45-mph zone, Godair teamed up with the worthless racist NAACP organization, and started lying about the actions of the officer during the traffic stop, falsely claiming that he was mistreated by the police officer who stopped him.
Godair claims that he has experienced mistreatment by the police in Salisbury, and even said “With all of the issues that have taken place in Ferguson, Missouri, I refuse to sit back and not do anything or say anything until Ferguson, Missouri, becomes a reality here in Salisbury.”.
Police video of the traffic stop shows that the police acted very professionally and respectfully towards Godair. The stop went just as it should have, and Godair was never mistreated, or had any reason to be “scared”, as he claims.
It takes a special kind of loser to feed off the real racial problems currently happening in Ferguson, and claim police mistreatment, when there actually is none.
Also, what kind of fat piece of crap so-called “reverend” tells lies, falsely blames others for things they did not do, or even just drives a gas chugging Hummer SUV? I’d say one that cares more about himself than God, the truth, or for the people around him.
I would be very leery of attending or giving money to the Cornerstone Church in North Carolina. Who knows what happens to your money once you hand it over to Rev. Bill Godair. Does Rev. Godair use church donations to pay for his Hummer, or the gas to run the gas guzzling SUV?
We just read the remnants of a Facebook post from Bill and Tina Godair, where they are raffling off a Hummer H3. I wonder if someone actually won the Hummer, or if it went to Rev. Godair?
Rev. Bill Godair of North Carolina’s Cornerstone Church joined forces with the NAACP last week to claim the police in Salisbury have a history of mistreating citizens.
“With all of the issues that have taken place in Ferguson, Missouri,” he said, “I refuse to sit back and not do anything or say anything until Ferguson, Missouri, becomes a reality here in Salisbury.”
Godair held a press conference in which he claimed a number of people have come to him about police mistreatment, and said he has personally experienced it, as well.
“A year ago,” he said, “I felt that I was very, very badly mistreated by the Salisbury PD. I had just been to a funeral. I was on my way to the hospital. I was in dress clothes, my wife was with me. … I never said anything to nobody, actually it was in February of 2013.”
According to WBTV, Godair wrote a letter to Salisbury Mayor Paul Woodson claiming his wife was “scared” by the aggressive behavior of the officer.
But police say there is “no evidence of misconduct” in the police officer’s interaction with Godair, and released the video of when the reverend was pulled over in 2013 to prove it (footage via WBTV):
In the video, the police officer informs Godair he was going 58 mph in a 45-mph zone.
While Godair claimed he was en route to the hospital during the press conference, in the video released by police, he said he was “trying to get to the cleaners.”
“I’m trying to get to the cleaners,” he said. “I’m a pastor at a church and the cleaner closes at 4 o’clock.”
Godair also freely admitted in the video that he was speeding, saying, “I’m guilty, honestly.”
Salisbury Police Chief Rory Collins said in a statement, according to WSOC-TV: “It is clear to me that the officers acted appropriately and respectfully.”
WSOC-TV contacted Godair about the incident, and he maintains the police acted inappropriately.
“We both felt that was a threatening situation for us,” he said. “We felt very uncomfortable that day.”
A representative from the church did not immediately return TheBlaze’s request for comment.
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