Someone needs to go check the mental capacities of California’s Democratic Dinosaur Senator Dianne Feinstein, who appears to not be playing with a full deck.

Brainless Dinosaur Dianne Feinstein Can’t Honestly Answer Legitimate Question Regarding Hillary’s Health
Pathetic dinosaur Dianne Feinstein couldn’t even answer a simple question about if the health of a candidate for President of the United States is a legitimate concern for voters. Instead of answering the question honestly, Dinosaur Feinstein would only say “In my view, she’s at the prime of her political life, She’s got the energy, she’s articulate, she’s got the background, she’s got the smarts. She’s got all of the elements of a good leader.”
Sorry Dianne, but on top of seemingly not playing with a full deck, it seems like maybe you needs to have your hearing checked as well, because that was not the answer to the question you were asked.
California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein blasted Karl Rove for questioning whether Hillary Clinton has brain damage after a 2012 concussion, calling the effort “pathetic” and an unfair political tactic.
Feinstein spoke Sunday with Candy Crowley on CNN’s “State of the Union” about the Republican strategist’s remarks, made during a closed-door meeting and first broadcast last week.
“First of all, the Karl Rove effort was pathetic,” she told Crowley.
“But legitimate?” Crowley asked. “The idea of the health of the candidate?”
“No,” the senator asserted forcefully. “No, no. Not legitimate.”
“Well, the gist of it,” Crowley pressed, “that she has to be –”
“That she has sustained brain damage?” Feinstein asked incredulously. “That’s legitimate?”
“Right, the quote ‘brain damage’ he denies,” Crowley continued. “Nonetheless, no, what I’m asking you: Is it legitimate to say that Hillary Clinton will have to be forthcoming about her health?”
“In my view, she’s at the prime of her political life,” Feinstein declared. “She’s got the energy, she’s articulate, she’s got the background, she’s got the smarts. She’s got all of the elements of a good leader.”
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