Dumb-Ass liberal Daily Beast hack Michael Tomasky tries blaming Ambassador Chris Stevens for the Benghazi terrorist attack which killed him, and says that the ambassador was “too-trusting” and “made a misjudgment”.

Dumb-Ass Liberal Hack Michael Tomasky Says Benghazi Terror Attack Was Fault of Ambassador Stevens Due to Being “Too Trusting”
Now the attempt is somehow to criminalize bureaucratic error. In a dangerous place, a too-trusting ambassador made a misjudgment. Protests spread quickly from one city to another. Mistakes were undoubtedly made in the heat of the moment. That’s what you call a tragedy. A normal society tries to learn the lessons and move forward without repeating them. But we don’t live in a normal society. We live in a society with a political party that will twist the institutions of democracy like a pretzel until it takes on the desired shape and achieves the desired outcome.
Huh?? What “misjudgment” did Ambassador Stevens make?
Only a weak-ass liberal piece of shit would blame our murdered Ambassador for his own death, when anyone who had even the slightest inkling to find the truth would see that this is completely untrue, and a shameless attempt to place blame on a man who is dead and cannot defend himself – thanks to Hillary Clinton.
The truth that the Democrats and liberal hacks, like the Daily Beast’s Michael Tomasky, don’t want you to know is that Ambassador Stevens requested more security at the consulate multiple times, but the requested additional security was denied by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
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