Stupid Washed-Up Leftist Retard James Carville Lies To Say He Thinks President Trump Has Syphilis (He Doesn’t)

Stupid washed-Up leftist retard James Carville says that President Trump might have Syphilis.. which he doesn’t. It’s just another democrat attack on the President of the United States. These fucking liars will say anything, as long as they think it will hurt President Trump in some way.

So.. stupid washed-Up leftist retard James Carville wants to make things up about things that might be, and we know there are a lot of things MIGHT be true!

James Carville MIGHT be gay? James Carville MIGHT be a raving pedophile & child rapist? James Carville MIGHT get off on performing disgusting sex acts with his pets every night? James Carville is looking very thin and unhealthy, so MAYBE James Carville is dying of the AIDS virus? Who knows except James and his doctors.

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