Classless NFL’s Craptastic Thug-Themed Super Bowl Leaves Most Fans Speechless & Disgusted

The classless NFL insisted on having a thug-themed Super Bowl again, with some talentless idiot named Kendrick Lamar actually shooting an imaginary gun into the crowd. “POP POP POP POP POP” What complete fucking losers! I’m glad I don’t watch the NFL anymore – not even the Craptastic Super Bowl.

Nobody knows who the fuck Kendrick Lamar is, and certainly don’t know any of his stupid gang rap shit they somehow call “music”.

This was a forgettable Super Bowl production that was solely aimed at black criminals and thugs, and they even had some fat lady sing the “Black National Anthem” before the game – something the NFL began doing at games in 2020 to protest the the death of violent black criminal George Floyd. The NFL also had disgusting Satanist Lady Gaga perform in the pre-game and as usual Satanist Taylor Swift looked like a used-up whore in her hooker boots.

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