Never-Trumper & Impeachment Hoax Witness Gordon Sondland Tells MSNBC He Will Absolutely Vote For President Trump

Never-Trumper & 1/6 impeachment hoax witness Gordon Sondland just made the democrats shit their pants when he told MSNBC that he has now changed his position from being completely against President Trump to now being a Trump/MAGA supporter, who said he will “absolutely” vote for President Trump in about a month. Watch MSNBC hack Ari Melber melt-down, and tart talking over Sondland because Melber obviously didn’t want the viewers to hear the truths that Sondland was speaking.

Gordon Sondland guy was one of the democrats star witnesses in the bullshit 1/6 hoax impeachment against President Trump, which has been proven to be a Deep State lawfare sham, conducted by a group of government criminals, but now Sondland is 100% against Biden and Harris, and their dangerous policies that he admitted will destroy America and our way of life.

Melber asked Gordon Sondland is he stood by his critiism of President Trump.

Sondland – “It is a yes for me, I don’t stand by it and I’ll tell you why. I’ve now lived four years under the Biden-Harris policies, and I have to say that those policies are not only becoming an existential to our country’s way of life but to our allies as well.”

Melber – “I’ll let you finish, but this is so striking. You said it was a ‘no for me’ after J6, and here we are right now, and you’re saying it’s a yes for you.”

Sondland – “I did oppose Trump, but now it is a yes for me.”

During the first impeachment hoax in 2019, then-EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified against his boss during the Adadm Schiff-led impeachment hoax over a “perfect phone call” between the President and Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky. Sondland would go on to write a book about his time as ambassador to the EU that railed on both President Trump and then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Sondland famously testified that President Trump attempted a ‘quid pro quo’ with Zelensky, leveraging a White House visit and the release of military aid in exchange for for an investigation targeting Hunter and Joe Biden. But he also testified that “Quid pro quos happen all the time.”

Trump would eventually fire Sondland in February 2020. After the events of January 6th, Sondland stated, “it was a no for me,” referring to whether he would back his former boss in a future presidential run.

During MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber”, a panel consisting of former Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews, Peter Navarro and Gordon Sondland were assembled in an apparent attempt to tag-team Trump-loyalist Peter Navarro with MSNBC’s Jan 6 fear-mongering. Matthews resigned after the events of January 6th after eight months on the job and would go on to testify against President Trump in the second impeachment hoax.

Ari Melber, the show’s host, asked Sondland, “Why was it important for you to say ‘no more Trump’ because of his January 6th conduct and do you stand by that?”

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Sondland shocked Melber and quickly fired back, “No, I don’t stand by that.” He continued:

“I’ll tell you why: I’ve now lived four years under the Biden-Harris policies and I have to say that those policies are not only becoming an existential threat to our country’s way of life, but to our allies’ as well.”

Melber, completely taken aback, interrupts immediately and decries, “This is so striking! You said, ‘it was a no for me after that’…after January 6th. And here we are right now, and you’re saying it is a ‘yes’ for me?”

Sondland responded “it is a yes for me. It is an absolute yes for me! That is how badly the Biden-Harris team have prosecuted their job.”

Melber would not let it die. After all, Sondland and Matthews were there to refute Peter Navarro’s position on President Trump. He then said, “But the whole point you seemed to be making was that January 6th and that kind of attack on democracy is bigger than any policy?”

The former EU Ambassador answered, “But I am seeing so many attacks on democracy that it clips January 6th.” As Melber was attempting to save face, he moved on to Matthews, ignoring Sondland’s efforts to explain what those “attacks” he referenced were.

As the panel was beginning to fall apart after Sondland’s shocking admission, Melber turned to the next Democrat talking point: the 2020 election. Melber asked each of the panel members “Do you acknowledge that Trump lost the 2020 election?”

Matthews, of course, fell right in line falsely claiming that Trump lost the 2020 election, as she had testified to during the J6 Sham Committee. Sondland was a little more reserved and acknowledged that there were voting irregularities but they “sadly” did not amount to enough to change the election

Peter Navarro responded that he “stands by the Navarro Report” (at Navarro cited the Kennedy Nixon election stating that it took 30 years to acknowledge Kennedy stole the election from Nixon. Melber interrupted, seeking confirmation of Navarro’s ‘election denialism.’

Melber went on to say “Well, we’re dealing in facts, not…that” as Navarro shot back that he presented “three volumes of facts”.

Matthews interjected that she has looked at the report and one of the things he cites is “Trump was up in certain states on election night and in the morning that changed. I think that we need to acknowledge that in states that he mentioned…mail-in ballots are not able to be counted before hand until election day. So no wonder Donald Trump was up on election night because all of those ballots that would favor Joe Biden were not yet counted. That’s the kind of stuff that’s in this report of his.”

“What I looked at were things like no signature match in Georgia after 2016. It went from a 6% rejection of ballots because of signature match in 2016 to zero. If you simply do the numbers on that, there’s endless possibilities for fraud” said Navarro before, once again, being interrupted by Melber.

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