Duchebag Lucas Kunce Tries Tricking People Into Believing He Is A Trump Conservative – He Is Just Another Dangerous Lib

Lucas Kunce is a leftist supporter of baby murder. He may be in the Reserves, and may even be pro-2nd amendment, but he is just as dangerous as Nancy Pelosi, because as soon as he is elected he will bend over and let Nancy Pelosi and the democrat Deep State machine have their way with him – just as every other democrat has done in the past 20 years.

Lucas Kunce is flooding the streaming services with his ads, where he actually has a huge TRUMP sign in the upper right corner of the screen as he says he served in the Trump Administration. This is a blatant attempt to try tricking people into thinking Kunce is a conservative. Don’t be fooled.

Kunce says in all of his ads that “I will secure the border, no matter who the President is.” but how in the fuck is Kunce going to secure the border when everyone in his party wants to keep the border wide open. They have already allowed over 30 million illegal immigrants, including many criminals and terrorists, to enter our country, and we WILL be attacked again VERY SOON because of the democrats open borders policy.

So, again, how would Kunce close the border? The answer is that Kunce definitely would not close the border and, if elected, would help the democrats keep the border wide open.

Bottom line is that leftist Lucas Kunce loves the idea of murdering babies, and it appears that his ads are even paid for, or developed, by the same people who make the pro-abortion ads. The Lucas Kunce and Pro-Abortion ads typically even run back-to-back and use the same format.

In order to Save America, in this next election we need to remove every single democrat and RINO from office as humanly possible, and replace them with conservatives, who WILL secure and close-down the border, and stop the millions of illegal invaders entering our country, and will also FINALLY start holding the MANY criminals in our government accountable for their crimes.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org