Hahaha!! Worthless pussy RINO traitor Mike Pence wants to be relevant again, and thinks that withholding an endorsement of President Trump is some kind of punishment. Unfortunately for him, nobody gives one fucking shit about worthless pussy weasel RINO Mike Fucking Pence! I wouldn’t piss on Mike Pence if he was on fire, and in fact, a Mike Pence Endorsement is a big negative in MAGALAND, and would lose more votes than it gained.
The 2024 Republican platform ignores the national debt, moves away from commitments to life, and embraces a foreign policy that moves away from leading on the world stage. Now is the time to hold onto conservative principles. pic.twitter.com/E7Jjvf1vNz
— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) September 18, 2024
Go away Pence, you worthless traitor pussy! Nobody wants or needs you, and you will NEVER be elected to anything in America ever again! You’re done!
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