MSNBC’s Brainless Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber Threatens Corey Lewandowski With Defamation Over Statement With Video Proof

HAHAHA!! Busted! Ari Melber, MSNBC’s so-called “Chief Legal Correspondent”, threatened Corey Lewandowski with defamation for repeating a quote from Melber, where MSNBC’s Melber said that the bandage President Trump wore on his ear after being shot and almost killed by the democrats assassin, was only being used as a prop. Melber denied making the quote that Lewandowski read to him but, unfortunately for Melber, there is video of the dumbfuck saying exactly what Lewandowski read, and what Melber denied.


Lewandowski: “Are you going to state that Donald Trump had a bandage on his ear just for spectacle? Are you going to say that was false? The guy got shot in the head and you said the only reason, I can read you the quote if you want, you said it was just for spectacle, so if you want to apologize?”

Melber: “I know what you’re referring to, and at the end of the interview, we can touch base on that. I will return to that. I quoted a New York Times article that said, ‘At the convention, Donald Trump was his own biggest prop.’ It was a New York Times quote about how he had become such an important figure in rebounding from what was a horrific assassination attempt.”

Lewandowski: “So you didn’t say, ‘This bandage was a prop’?”

Melber: “I did not say that. Mr. Lewandowski, I did not say that. That is a false quote.”

Lewandowski: “I have it right here.”

Melber: “What you have is a false quote. I’m putting you on notice if you continue to repeat falsely that I said that, you will be potentially in a defamation situation, because I didn’t say that.”

Lewandowski: “You should apologize to the president for that.”

Did MSNBC go find their “Chief Legal Correspondent”, Ari Melber, from a home for people with very low IQ’s or something? What a complete fucking idiot! And do these idiots not know that their prior statements are still up online for anyone to watch? Or do they just not care because only a few on the right will call out their wall-to-wall bullshit and lies?

I guess MSNBC’s Ari Melber is getting a lot of backlash after this story went viral, and instead of owing-up to his lies, the pussy locked his X account to stop the flood of negative comments.

Go ahead and bring that defamation lawsuit, Melber, you stupid piece of trash! You won’t because you know you would lose, and look like an even bigger fool doing it!

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