Corrupt Dem Weasel Jamie Raskin Runs Away When Asked About Hiding J6 Evidence & Deleted Communications

Democrat Jamie Raskin is an ultra-corrupt weasel! There needs to be an investigation into each member of the J6 idiots. Watch corrupt weasel Jamie Raskin run away when asked about the J6 Committee hiding evidence and deleted communications. We need to see who is paying them for their out-of-control corruption & treason.

J6 was a calculated setup by Nancy Pelosi and the other Deep State criminals to try and prosecute President Trump, and the j6 idiots were just put there to help the democrats cover-up their crimes. This is also why they instructed the US Capitol Police murder unarmed mother Ashli Babbitt in cold blood, because without a death, it was just a protest.

Here are a couple of videos they have been hiding of Nancy Pelosi admitting that J6 was her fault.

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